Park Slope Civic Council

For Over 100 Years

The Park Slope Civic Council has promoted the health, vitality and character of the Park Slope neighborhood and advocated for the interests of residents, businesses, and others with a stake in the community. Join us today!

Food for Thought 2024

Have a taste from some of Park Slope’s best restaurants all under one roof. October 16th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the Picnic House.

Thank You Tim Gilles!

At the June Annual Meeting, PSCC President Timothy Gilles ended his three year term leading our organization. Councilmember Shahana Hanif presented Gilles with a

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Join the Civic Council

The Park Slope we know and love did not just happen. It was preserved, protected, and nurtured by dedicated volunteers. Today, the Park Slope Civic Council is made up of a new generation of activists, committed to defending our great urban neighborhood and to making it an even better place to call home. Join us!

No Flyers, No Ads, No Menus

To request one of our FREE “No Flyers” hanger signs, please follow the link below.

Tree Bed Signs

To purchase one of our tree bed signs, please follow the link below.