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Trying to navigate your way through a parking lot can be nerve-wracking and can cause damage to your vehicle if you're not careful. It's actually pretty common for people to run into a bollard post because they looked away for one second or misjudged a turn. The next thing you know, you hear the sound of metal hitting the post which will not only damage your car but will be very stressful due to the cost of repairs.
After checking out the damage, you might ask yourself if there isn't some way that these poles can be made to reduce the impact? Surely, there must be a way that would not cause such extensive damage to your vehicle because you were not able to navigate the turn onto the lane or backing up and that post is right in your way.
Flexpost bollards are the perfect solution for preventing damage to your vehicle and offer an appealing, professional appearance for parking lots. Unlike standard bollards, Flexpost bollards give with a 360° motion upon contact with a vehicle. Not only will these posts dramatically reduce damage to your vehicle, but will give you a warning sign that you are not clearing the space or veering too far into the lane.
For various facilities and store owners, they want good protection in their parking lots but are not able to permanently install posts due to their soil condition, various issues involving distance, or simply want a product that is not permanent, Flexpost bollards are just the right answer.
Ideal Shield's Flexpost bollards are designed to bolt directly down onto asphalt or concrete without drilling that is required for standard bollard posts.
The Leading Advantages Of Installing Flexpost Bollards:
• They never need painting and are maintenance free.
• Eliminates damage to vehicles & parking lots with their 360° flexibility.
• No special tools are required and installation is easy.
• Will stand up to 75 mph winds.
• Adding a business logo is an excellent option.
• Available in any color.
• Available in standard bollard posts and bollard sign systems.
Facility operators or business owners who are looking to make their parking lots or driveways safe, reduce the chances of accidents for customers and employees, and want a professional look on their premises, Ideal Shield Flexpost Bollards are the perfect solution.
Protect Your Store From Smash & Grab Incidences:
There are always going to be situations where a driver's mistakes will cause a vehicle to careen into the front of a store and all you can do is settle through the insurance companies and move on. On the other hand, there's a new form of theft that has increased drastically and is a major concern for store owners, it's called Smash & Grab! Thieves are using their cars to deliberately crash into the front of the store and steal everything they can get their hands on. Think about it, a vehicle traveling at a high speed and weighing in at 3,200 pounds will easily take out the front of your store with little to no effort and crooks are taking advantage of this approach.
Recorded Smash & Grab Occurrences That Have Taken Place Across The Country:
An Apple store in Palo Alto was ransacked by a group of thieves after they crashed through the store's floor to ceiling glass front. The driver was able to avoid the bollard posts on the sidewalk by using the walkway and then heading toward the glass front. The store was closed for over a week to make repairs which also caused a loss of revenue.
In Bethesda, Maryland a car slammed into the glass window of a jewelry store. The thieves smashed the display cases and stole thousands of dollars in jewelry and all in less than 30 seconds. Fortunately, the store had a running video of the break-in.
In Houston, TX a truck backed into a food store numerous times until the glass and security bars were destroyed. All in less than 60 seconds, the thieves ran into the store and took off with the ATM machine.
As evidenced in the above situations, it's no wonder thieves are taking full advantage of smash & grab robberies. It doesn't matter if there are only one or two thieves to steal expensive jewelry or a group to walk off with an ATM machine, it is not difficult for thieves to pull off these robberies
Is There A Solution For Store Owners To Prevent Smash & Grab Robberies?
The answer is yes! Ideal Shield offers bollard posts that are the strongest in the marketplace to date. They are made from schedule 40 and schedule 80 U.S. Steel Pipe. That said, as shown in Palo Alto, just having bollard posts is not enough to stop these thieves and their smash & grab tactics or even from an accidental occurrence taking place from the mistakes of a driver. In order to prevent cars from even reaching the store's front, there are one or two things an owner can do:
Firstly, section off the store's front with bollard posts in order to prevent vehicles from getting near the sidewalk. Unfortunately, there are many areas that have rules against bollards being placed in the middle of sidewalks.
Secondly, install the best bollard posts within a few feet of the store's front. As long as they are placed close to each other, this will deter any potential thieves. Here are a few examples of installed bollard posts and covers to prevent smash & grab operations.
If you are a store owner or a facilities operator and want added protection for your property, contact Ideal Shield for the best solutions!
View the installation guide for the standard 1/4" bollard product