Showing posts with label Chicken Breeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken Breeds. Show all posts

How Old Do Chickens Need to Be to Lay Eggs?

When will your chickens start to lay eggs? The wait for the first eggs from your new hens may seem long, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not. When hens are about five to six months old they will start to lay eggs. Find out more about what to expect when you're egg-specting!

What is the Preen Gland on a Chicken?

The uropygial gland, better known as the preen gland or oil gland, is located near the base of the tail. It's normally hidden under feathers, but molting and feather loss can expose it. What is the preen gland on a chicken? It’s a gland that produces the oil that chickens use when preening their feathers.

How to Pick Chicken Breeds for Your Flock

A backyard flock of chickens can be a wise investment in homegrown eggs, meat and the peace of mind that comes with self-sufficiency. Getting started isn’t hard. But before buying your birds, some initial chicken breed research can ensure your flock’s productivity and climate hardiness and help you meet your goals.

Before buying your birds, some initial chicken breed research can ensure your flock’s productivity, climate hardiness and make sure you meet your goals.

A Guide to Cold-Hardy Chicken Breeds

What makes a cold-hardy chicken breed and why should you care? If you're currently living in an area that has cold winters, then cold-hardy chicken breeds are a must because of their ability to withstand the frigid temperatures.

Every year there are stories of folks that bought the wrong breed for their climate and experience losses, have unhealthy chickens, or end up bringing their birds inside where the climate is more moderate. Don’t let this happen to you! Make sure to pick a breed that will live comfortably in your climate and thrive. Your birds will thank you for it!

If you're currently living in an area that has cold winters, then cold-hardy chicken breeds are a must because of their ability to withstand the frigid temperatures.
Buff Brahma Hen

The Leghorn Chicken - Breed Spotlight

Who doesn’t know Foghorn Leghorn? This cartoon rooster single-handedly made Leghorn chickens a household name. But aside from cartoon fame, Leghorns are famous among backyard chicken owners for being a reliable and prolific white egg laying chicken breed.

Class: Mediterranean
Origin: Italy
Comb Type: Single
Popular Colors: White, Light Brown, Exchequer
Standard Size: 4.5 Pounds (Hen) 6 Pounds (Rooster)
Egg Color: White
Egg Size: Large
Production: 5+ Eggs Per Week (Varies by Color)
Hardiness: Heat Tolerant
Disposition: Active, Skittish

Leghorns are famous among backyard chicken owners for being a reliable and prolific white egg laying chicken breed.
Brown Leghorn

How to Keep Hawks Away from Chickens

Top 5 Ways to Thwart Aerial Chicken Predators

Have you been experiencing a problem with flying predators like hawks and owls? This can be heartbreaking and frustrating and can make you feel helpless, but you're not. There are ways to help keep hawks away from backyard chickens.

On a personal note, this subject is near and dear to my heart. I have experienced one confirmed loss and a couple of close calls with hawks harassing my backyard chickens. Whether it's summer or you're in the midst of winter chicken keeping hawks are year-round predators. 

You can help keep hawks away from backyard chickens with these five simple steps.

Can I Keep Different Chicken Breeds Together?

Chicken keepers often wonder, can I keep different breeds of chickens together? Yes. Keeping different chicken breeds together is common. There are so many breeds to pick that most chicken keepers can't decide on just one type and end up with a variety of breeds in their flock. A flock of different chicken breeds is definitely a possibility, it just takes a little homework to make sure everyone is well-suited to live together. 

Best Backyard Chickens for Urban Areas

Keeping backyard chickens isn't just for those who own lots of land. People everywhere are reaching back to their rural roots and raising backyard chickens to reduce their reliance on grocery store stocks and to know where their food comes from and how it is raised. If you live in an urban area, and your local laws allow it, backyard chickens may be a good option for you. If you choose to raise chickens, be sure to pick the best breeds for an urban area. This will help ensure a successful experience for you and your birds.

What is a Bantam Chicken?

As you shop poultry catalogs or look at adorable baby chicken in the farm store, you'll notice some chickens labeled as bantam and others as large fowl. What's the difference? How do you choose between bantam chickens and large fowl chickens?

Sussex Chicken Breed Spotlight

The Sussex chicken originated in the Counties of Kent, Sussex and Surrey in England more than 100 years ago with possible ties back to Phoenecian traders and the Romans. Sussex chickens are a dual-purpose bird favored for both meat and eggs. Today, Sussex chickens in America are a recovering heritage breed popular in backyard flocks for steady egg production, excellent meat, and a friendly and curious nature.

The Ohio National - A Living Poultry Catalog

The Ohio National billed as America's largest annual poultry show, is held each November in Columbus, Ohio, at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. If you live nearby or you're in the mood for a road trip, this is well worth a visit. The show is a sight to behold!

This year it will be held November 9 - 10 in the Voinovich Building and boasts close to 8400 entries. The poultry sales area will now be held in the O'Neil Building which is bigger and has a cement floor.

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