Starting with the Patient Leads to Smarter HCP Marketing – and Increased Impact

Physician marketing performance is driven by two key factors – the relevance of the message and the HCP’s ability to take immediate action. Our patient-centric, privacy-safe approach helps you achieve both. 

Powered by our Dynamic Audience Activation Platform (DAAP), OptimizeRx HCP Marketing Solutions start by finding your ideal patients – at or ahead of brand eligibility. Then, we prioritize communications to their treating HCPs during those patients’ key care windows, across a personalized mix of programmatic and point-of-care channels. That means your brand information is reaching HCPs when it applies to their patients – and when it can translate to prescribing activity – without oversaturating your high value prescribers. 

Marketing impact comes from relevance and actionability – data-driven messaging that reaches HCPs on their preferred media channels and at the times it matters.

  • Relevance – defined by a patient’s clinical profile, so it accurately educates HCPs about treatment options 

  • Actionability – delivered within the window when the HCP is planning to meet with that patient, so there is an opportunity to prescribe 


What Sets Our HCP Marketing Solutions Apart

Clinical Profiling Our team of clinical and data science experts work with your brand team to turn eligibility criteria, competitive considerations, and more into a robust, privacy-safe patient profile.
Predictive NPI Targeting Patent-pending artificial intelligence technology predicts patient brand eligibility and upcoming care milestones to generate weekly, dynamic NPI lists.
Personalized, Omnichannel Delivery  Our programs seamlessly select from a range of programmatic and point-of-care channels based on prior engagement activity, reflecting HCP consumer/media preferences and preferred channels. 
Point-of-Care Network Reach  Our network of 300+ EHR and ePrescribe partners gives you a brand presence when HCPs are actively involved in patient care and making prescribing decisions.
1-2-1 Programmatic and Social Media Targeting A “surround sound” presence that builds and maintains brand mindshare across an extended, qualified HCP audience, on the digital channels they already consume. 
Contextual, Highly Relevant Messaging Your brand communications on efficacy, eligibility, market access, formulary coverage, affordability, and more reflect actual HCP needs and patient situations. 
Automated Performance Optimization  Machine learning seamlessly incorporates real-time campaign engagement and channel data for ongoing improvement and performance optimization  

Discover the Impact of OptimizeRx HCP Marketing Solutions

Learn more about how our technology and expertise help patients get the treatments they need, physicians stay up-to-date, brands delivering higher ROI and script lift. 


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