YesÂterÂday, Jon GorÂdon (the host of Future Tense, a techÂnolÂoÂgy show aired by AmerÂiÂcan PubÂlic Media) disÂcussed the major tech innoÂvaÂtions of the decade. At the end of the show (around the 49th minute), a caller asked: “What’s the neatÂest site, in terms of wow facÂtor, that makes you say holy cow this is so cool?” And, in answer, Jon respondÂed: Open CulÂture. We’re not cutÂting edge. We’re under-read and under-appreÂciÂatÂed. (All probÂaÂbly true — any thoughts on how to fix that?). But we delivÂer the goods. Thanks very much Jon, and thanks for allowÂing me the rare self-pat on the back. You can lisÂten to the interÂview below or access it here. And, if you want, you can folÂlow us on TwitÂter and FaceÂbook and get updatÂed on all new bits of Open CulÂture.