This post is all about sunflowers!
My mom loves sunflowers. She has them sprinkled throughout her garden. She plants the big, pretty sunflowers that make a statement in her flowerbeds.
I attempted to grow sunflowers this year. Our neighbors gave us a few plants & even though we planted them, they somehow disappeared! I don’t know what happened to them!
Then one day, I noticed some tiny sunflowers growing in random areas. In the driveway. On the side of the patio. Then I remembered the bird seed I put out for the birds. Just like the pumpkin patch, an accidental planting had occurred!
Here are some of the sunflowers in my mom's flower garden:
Here are the sunflowers in my yard:
Even though the sunflowers weren’t in places I would normally put them, I still thought they were so cute! They were super tiny & a perfect last minute touch that I had no part in! Haha!
I took these pictures at the beginning of September so the sunflowers are all wilted away now, but they were fun while they lasted!
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