An Educational Robotics Lab to Investigate Cognitive Strategies and to Foster Learning in an Arts and Humanities Course Degree


  • Lorella Gabriele Physics Department University of Calabria
  • Davide Marocco Department of Humanistic Studies University of Naples Federico II
  • Francesca Bertacchini University of Calabria
  • Pietro Pantano Physics Department University of Calabria
  • Eleonora Bilotta Physics Department University of Calabria



Educational Robotics, Cognitive processes in teaching/learning, Educational tech-nologies, Constructivist approach


The research aimed at presenting learning results on an Educational Robotics Lab carried out with university students that attended an Arts and Humanities Course Degree. In particular, cognitive abilities put into action by learners in using a Robotics Serious Game have been investigated and data has been collected by administering a pre and a post-test on motivation and using Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology. Significant results have been acquired on: (1) students’ motivation in relation to their performance; (2) team work strategy, analyzing the PBL; and (3) learning results. Findings showed that “intrinsic motivation” of the participating students, gathered with a specific questionnaire, was high since the beginning of the Lab experience, corroborating the hypothesis that these cognitive activities are able to stimulate curiosity, interest, enjoyment and to foster the learning also in humanities careers.

Author Biographies

Lorella Gabriele, Physics Department University of Calabria

Lorella Gabriele is with the Physics Department, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. She is a post-doc Fellow and is interested in the following topics: psychology of programming, educational technologies and their use in didactic context, learning, techniques of Human Computer Interaction, communications systems and their use for educational purposes. She is an occasional referee of the journals Computers & Education, Scientific Research and Essays, and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (JARHE). She worked in different national and international projects ([email protected]).

Davide Marocco, Department of Humanistic Studies University of Naples Federico II

Davide Marocco received his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Calabria, Italy, in 2004. He is currently Associate Professor in Psychometric at the University of Naples Federico II. He was previously Reader on Cognitive Robotics and Intelligent Systems at the University of Plymouth, UK. His research interests are focused on alternative assessment of human and artificial systems performances, cognitive robotics and evolutionary robotics models of behaviour. 

Francesca Bertacchini, University of Calabria

Francesca Bertacchini is with the Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering Department, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. She is a Ph.D in “Psychology of Programming and Artificial Intelligence”, and a Post-Doc Fellow. She is a member of the research group ESG (, and works in the Laboratory of Psychology and Cognitive Science at University of Calabria, designing educational-entertaining environments for science communication and education. Among her research interests we can cite the followings: Educational Technologies, Art & Science, Scientific Visualization, Psychology of Music ([email protected]). 

Pietro Pantano, Physics Department University of Calabria

Pietro Pantano is with the Physics Department, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. He is a full Professor of Physics and Mathematics at University of Calabria. His main research interests concern several topics according to an interdisciplinary approach, among which we can cite the followings: e-Learning systems; Scientific communication; Artificial life. He is a member of several national and international scientific communities, scientific committees and organized several congresses and workshops. From 2011 is the director of a Doctoral School at University of Calabria. He participated in national and international projects as responsible of local research unit as well as international coordinator ([email protected]).

Eleonora Bilotta, Physics Department University of Calabria

Eleonora Bilotta is with the Physics Department, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. She is a full professor of General Psychology at University of Calabria, Italy, where she is also the director of the Cognitive Psychology Laboratory. Her research interests concern various scientific topics from an interdisciplinary point of view and comprise the following areas: Human Computer Interaction, Psychology of Programming, Information and communication technologies, Educational Technologies. She published more than 200 scientific papers and is the author of various books. She was the coordinator of (or participated in) national and international projects. Moreover, she is a member of several national and international scientific communities ([email protected]).




How to Cite

Gabriele, L., Marocco, D., Bertacchini, F., Pantano, P., & Bilotta, E. (2017). An Educational Robotics Lab to Investigate Cognitive Strategies and to Foster Learning in an Arts and Humanities Course Degree. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 13(04), pp. 7–19.


