You Have Questions, We Have Answers!

Contact OnBrand24 today to find out how our inbound call center solutions or outbound call center service solutions can can help your business succeed. Contact Us

Are you located in the U.S.?

Yes, OnBrand24 offers 100 percent domestic call center outsourcing.  Our outsourced call center facilities are located in Beverly, MA (headquarters), 20 miles north of Boston in eastern Massachusetts, in Savannah, Georgia, Portsmouth, NH, and 4 locations in the midwest in Iowa and South Dakota. Among Savannah, Boston and midwest outsourced call center services providers, OnBrand24 is considered a leading provider of inbound (customer service, order taking/order processing, help desk) and outbound call center services (B2B lead generation, sales appointment setting, customer surveys) because of our 30 years of experience, our growth and financial stability, our ability to deliver strong ROI to our clients, our emphasis on quality and because our premise-based agents all work from within our call center outsourcing facilities, they do not work from home.

How many employees do you have?

OnBrand24 currently has a total of approximately 2,000 employees working on inbound call center customer service, order processing and Tier 1 help desk programs, and on outbound call center B2B lead generation, appointment setting, customer win-back and customer/market survey campaigns.

What hours do you provide call center services?

OnBrand24 provides call center outsourcing on a 24/7/365 basis, including holidays.

Do you source out the calls or make them yourself?

OnBrand24 executes all client programs ourselves, we never source out calls. We do this for several reasons: superior call center outsourcing quality assurance, productivity, cost control and performance monitoring of our call center services representatives. This principle applies equally to our inbound call center and outbound call center programs.

Do you use virtual agents?

No.  All OnBrand24 agents are premise-based, they work within our call center facility in Beverly, MA and Savannah, GA. This contrasts with many contact center service providers that have a virtual approach, in which their agents work from home. We believe our on-site staffing model promotes better quality assurance, work performance monitoring, teamwork, knowledge sharing and morale.

Who is the typical OnBrand24 agent?

This is the key difference between OnBrand24 and other outsourced call center services companies. We invite you to read about OnBrand24 agents – they have more maturity, experience and education than the call center industry norm. OnBrand24 customer service, order taking / order processing and B2B lead generation / appointment setting specialists have an average age of 37, at least five years of sales or call center experience and most have at least two years of college education, while many have their Bachelor's Degrees.

If your need is inbound customer service, order processing and help desk call center services, we hire skilled specialists who can handle complex product questions, order taking, order status and technology queries while also representing your brand. Our agents are trained – and continually monitored – to reduce ATT (average talk time) to a minimum while maximizing the average sales order and pursuing cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

If your need is B2B lead generation, appointment setting, customer surveys, sales or other outbound call center program, OnBrand24 has a proven business development methodology that identifies decision makers and buyers. Clients of our outbound call center programs typically realize a healthy ROI.

What makes OnBrand24 different from other call center services companies?

A combination of factors makes OnBrand24 outsourced contact center services different, beginning with the quality of our customer service and B2B lead generation agents, along with being 100 percent domestic, 100 percent premise-based, 30 years of experience and offering a "boutique" service that delivers senior management involvement and commitment to the success of each client's customized  program. OnBrand24 also works to forge a true, transparent and  accountable call center outsourcing partnership with our clients.  We  invite you to read more about our difference.

Do you help with scripts and dialogue plan development?

Yes. We work closely with our clients to build dialogue plans and talking points that emphasize key sales and branding messages to be articulated by our call center representatives. OnBrand24 does not "script" agents because scripting sounds artificial. Instead, for both our customer service call center programs and for our outbound call center campaigns (B2B lead generation and appointment setting) we prepare our agents with talking points, and we role play before the program begins. We also provide them with extensive Q&A documents.

Trusted Call Center Services

Success with OnBrand24 is only a phone call or contact form away. Please contact us to learn more about our amazing call center services.

Why should I outsource my call center?

To improve inbound customer service; generate more inbound sales revenue; collect more new sales leads; lower your business costs; and reduce HR administrative tasks.  A call center outsourcing service can also rapidly scale up and scale down your program based on changing call volumes.  An outsourced call center should deliver on all these objectives and OnBrand24 does.

A good contact center services provider is operationally optimized, utilizing advanced call center technology; and it has a highly trained staff of customer service specialists who are assigned to scalable programs that can expand and retract as your call volume needs change. This enables clients to off-load the costs of maintaining their own contact center infrastructure, and it eliminates the personnel headaches of hiring and laying off employees during seasonal increases or decreases in call volume.

Bottom line: the two primary reasons to outsource your call center are to lower your business costs and boost revenues. OnBrand24 has 30 years of experience as a trusted outsourced contact center services partner.

Can I trust a third-party call center with my customers?

You can trust an outsourcer if it is characterized by transparency, accountability and quality assurance. At OnBrand24, all of our calls are recorded and the outcome of each call is assigned a "disposition code."  OnBrand24 clients receive detailed reports about the resolution of all calls we either take (inbound customer service) or make (B2B lead generation and appointment setting).  In addition, OnBrand24 maintains an "open house" policy.  Clients are welcome to visit us and view our agents working on their behalf at any time.  OnBrand24 also records all calls made on our clients' behalf, and those recordings are available to the client. Another key to trustworthiness is training.  All OnBrand24 agents receive not only lengthy screening and general training in the fundamental principles of customer service and B2B lead generation, they also are trained on the specific needs of each client's program, be it for inbound call center or outbound call center services. Our clients typically take a strong role in training our agents - we provide our clients direct access to their OnBrand24 agent teams. They come to our call center services facilities near Boston and in Savannah and discuss their companies, products, services and brands.  Our agents are closely supervised by our management team to ensure they are articulating your product messages and corporate brand.  Finally, you want a call center outsourcing service provider that views itself as a partner with its clients, not just a vendor. performance monitoring of our call center services representatives. This principle applies equally to our inbound call center and outbound call center programs.

How can I be confident that your agents can represent my company?

We encourage our clients to listen to recordings of our customer service and B2B lead generation / appointment setting specialists talking to customers. We also maintain an "open house" policy at our outsourced call center facility in which clients are invited to visit OnBrand24 at any time to observe their agent team at work and to meet with their call center services teams. We invite you to read more about OnBrand24 agents – and don't miss the video.

What kind of training do you give your agents?

Our call center services representatives receive extensive training in the fundamentals of excellent customer service, order taking, B2B lead generation and appointment setting.

We also invest in the skills development of our staff. Each OnBrand24 call center services employee is trained by experienced trainers. Employees go through over 50 hours of rigorous training in customer service, upselling and cross-selling, B2B lead generation and appointment setting.

These principles are then put to work for our clients, who work in tandem with OnBrand24 managers and supervisors to train our agents for each client's customized program. This includes training on sales, product and corporate messaging, on company and product policies and on program procedures. OnBrand24 has a "train the trainer" methodology, in which program supervisors are responsible for training new team members on client program. We also conduct frequent team "retraining" exercises in which program teams meet, share knowledge and highlight successful tactics and strategies.


OnBrand24 is a leader in call center outsourcing excellence.

What kind of reporting do you provide?

OnBrand24 provides either customized reports or utilize any of the hundreds of standard reports available through out cloud-based Five9 call center services software.  Our reporting is highly detailed and customized to provide insight on the program metrics our clients care about most. These reports cover such metrics as ATT (average talk time), abandonment rates, first-time resolution and time-to-answer.  OnBrand24 provides as much detail as our clients want and issue reports as frequently as needed – monthly, weekly, daily. Our reporting supports our "no surprises" billing methodology because they enable OnBrand24 clients to track and closely approximate monthly call center outsourcing fees. This applies both to inbound customer service outsourcing programs and to outbound telemarketing / B2B lead generation / sales appointment setting campaigns.

What's your rate of staff turnover?

Our annual turnover is approximately 20 percent, much lower than the outsourced call center services industry norm. OnBrand24 has an energized, positive  environment that includes summer and holiday parties, incentives for outstanding work performance and promotion from within. We also convey to our staff the value we place in them by providing employee benefits not typically seen in the call center services industry. These include health insurance, health club membership, a health & wellness incentive program and matching 401K. All of these factors contribute to OnBrand24 staff stability and low turnover rate.

What's the difference between OnBrand24 and an answering service?

OnBrand24 offers a range of outsourced telemarketing call center services, far beyond the capabilities and skill set of an answering service. We provide a complete array of inbound call center customer service outsourcing capabilities, including order processing and order taking services, Tier 1 help desk, credit card processing and real-time assistance for members of health & wellness and insurance programs. Our call center customer service specialists are also trained in cross-selling and upselling. For outbound call center programs, we offer B2B lead generation, sales appointment setting, customer win-back and market survey capabilities. Our call center services agents are adept at cold calling, quickly establishing rapport with prospective customers and generating leads and closing sales for our clients.

The skills required to carry out these call center outsourcing services are more demanding than those needed for answering services, which are typically focused on inputting a caller's message and contact information, and transmitting that information using email, faxes or beepers. Employees of answering services require less experience, maturity and education than customer service and lead generation call center specialists who work for OnBrand24 call center services. In addition, answering services usually implement a virtual staffing model, whereas all OnBrand24 employees are all premise-based at our call center services facilities located in Beverly, Massachusetts, Portsmouth, NH and in Savannah, Georgia.

Have you received industry recognition or awards?

Yes. OnBrand24 was cited by TopTenREVIEWS for call center services excellence in 2012 and 2013. OnBrand24 has also been named in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest growing privately held companies in the United States for several years.

What year were you founded?

We were founded in 1981 to provide a complete array of contact center services: call center customer service, order processing, Tier 1 help desk, and lead generation, appointment setting, customer win-back and customer / market surveys. Since 1981 we have worked with hundreds of inbound call center and outbound call center clients.

Where are your clients located?

We are a national call center with clients all over the United States as well as globally.

Affordable Call Center Solutions

For anything not covered on our FAQ page, please contact us.

How much do you charge?

OnBrand24 call center outsourcing pricing varies according to the call volume and the complexity of the program of our clients. We develop custom outsourced call center services programs. We would be happy to develop a call center services proposal for you after discussing your needs.  OnBrand24 understands business models vary and are exceptional at creating incentivized base plus variable cost models for our partners. 

What do your bills look like?

OnBrand24 billing is straightforward - no hidden or extra fees.  We offer a flexible billing methodology that enables clients to choose the contact center outsourcing model that best suits their needs. For outbound call center services (B2B lead generation, sales appointment setting, customer & market surveys, customer win-back) clients are only billed for the time agents are logged on and working on their campaign. For inbound call center services (customer service outsourcing, order processing, live chat support, help desk, social media support, etc.) we have two approaches: for small to medium call volume programs we offer shared, "time-on-task" billing in which we charge only for the minutes our agents are on the phone with a client's customer. For larger call volume needs, or programs that require specialized knowledge, we construct dedicated programs with dedicated teams of agents who work only on a single client's program, and the client is charged by the hour.  Using our contact center services reporting software, OnBrand24 clients can track their monthly call center outsourcing costs on a weekly or daily basis.

How much call volume can you handle?

We are highly scalable, and our clients range up to several hundred inbound calls per day. As a general rule, we specialize in mid-range call center services programs that require up to 25 dedicated agents.

Do you work on a pay-per-performance basis?

OnBrand24 outbound call center programs (B2B lead generation, appointment setting, customer win-back, customer/market surveys) usually work on a per-hour basis. However, we are flexible regarding incentive provisions, particularly after the initial pilot phase is completed, when we have developed expertise in delivering a client's call center services program.

How do you compete with low-cost offshore call centers?

By providing better service, by staffing client programs with agents who have outstanding sales, customer service and English language skills and by delivering programs that generate more revenue than offshore call center services providers are capable of. We realize there is a lower-cost offshore alternative, which means we have to provide significant qualitative differences. OnBrand24 clients also realize the value of providing a quality customer service outsourcing experience to companies seeking help desk, order processing / order taking, B2B lead generation, appointment setting, customer survey and customer win-back services.

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