Open Knowledge Finland ry annually awards the Best Open Knowledge Thesis of the previous year. We hope the award encourages students to conduct research in one of the many aspects of open knowledge, thus adding to the scientific knowledge of us all.
The thesis may cover a broad range of fields, from technology to business, design and culture. The award recognizes individuals whose work aligns closely with principles of open data, open scientific methods, or open education.
Award Details and Criteria
- Accepted at a Finnish university or university of applied sciences.
- The thesis has been accepted during the previous calendar year with a minimum grade of “good”.
- Open licensing is preferred in evaluation, and the thesis must be publicly available at the time of judging.
The prize consists of €500 scholarship and diploma.
The prize will be awarded at the OKFI Winter Festival 2.12.2024 at 17.00 onward in URBAN 3, Maria 01, Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki. See the event agenda and register!
Candidate submissions
Submissions for Best Open Knowledge Thesis award 2024 are open until November 29th 2024.
Nominations can be submitted by faculty members and researchers at Finnish educational institutions with the agreement of the nominee.
The following information will be needed:
- Candidate’s name and contact information
- Institution, faculty, department, study programme and the degree
- Institution representative’s name and contact information (usually the person filling in the form)
- Thesis title, summary, and a web link to the full text thesis
- A brief justification for the award (one to two paragraphs)
Any inquiries may be sent (either in English or Finnish) to puheenjohtaja (at)
Download poster
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