The Connected-Care platform that
makes your heart beat.

Noah Labs connects patients and their healthcare providers for remote, data-driven care and research.

The Connected-Care platform that makes your heart beat.

Noah Labs' telemonitoring platform, a Class IIa medical device (MDR), connects patients and their healthcare providers for remote, data-driven care and research.

Partnerships and memberships:

Noah Labs is a member of the American Heart Association’s Innovators’ network

More than just remote patient monitoring

For us, it's more than just remote patient monitoring. With Noah Labs Ark™, we have created an environment where patients' health can be captured, analyzed and continuously fostered regardless of their location. It transforms remote patient monitoring into Connected Care.


Telemonitoring for heart failure

External devices such as smartwatches, blood pressure cuffs, and scales enable doctors to remotely monitor their patients and to perform continuous monitoring of their patients' health parameters. These innovative technologies combined with expert analytics provide an effective way to track the progression of the disease and to respond to changes as early as possible. The readings are wirelessly transmitted to Noah Labs Ark, enabling doctors to analyze the data and identify any changes.


Telemonitoring for hypertension

Telemonitoring of individuals with high blood pressure using a smart blood pressure cuff offers significant benefits for both the patient and the doctor, particularly for remote medication adjustment. By regularly measuring blood pressure at home, the patient allows their doctor to closely track blood pressure trends and adjust the medication accordingly without the patient needing to visit the doctor's office in person every time. Additionally, telemonitoring enables closer collaboration between the doctor and the patient as the doctor can provide support and advice remotely.


Software for clinical trials

The use of telemonitoring in conducting clinical studies offers significant advantages in terms of cost and duration of the studies, as well as the introduction of new drugs or medical devices. By integrating telemedicine technologies, study participants can be conveniently monitored from their homes, reducing travel and logistics efforts. This increases cost-effectiveness and enables faster recruitment. Therefore, telemonitoring significantly shortens the timeframe of clinical studies.

Noah Labs Ark is a class IIa medical device in accordance with the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

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A seamless
addition to everyday life.

The best technology is the one you don't notice. That's why we focus on intuitive design in our software and our medical devices and make them look like lifestyle gadgets.

Easy to use for all age groups

Simply offer with your trusted practice staff

Lose stigma thanks to user-centric medical devices

Measuring ECG with Withings cuff

Measuring blood pressure with a wireless blodd pressure cuff.

Measure additional values with an ECG-enabled scale and a connected blood pressure cuff

Smart notifications to review for
the treating physician.

Signs of
atrial fibrillation

7 days

until hospital admission
due to cardiac decompensation

7 Tage

bis Krankenhauseinweisung
wegen kardialer Dekompensation

Pushes the boundaries of what is possible.

The intelligent analysis of all available data enables a new era of healthcare provision. Noah Labs is conducting studies to achieve the accuracy of implants with the use of external sensors.

Early detection of changes

Research analyses with over 1 million data points

Significant efficiency gain for practice and clinic staff

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Built on cutting edge research

At Noah Labs, professors of cardiology and veterans of the healthcare system collaborate with experts in data science and machine learning. This unique combination allows us to merge guideline-defining research with groundbreaking technology.

Noah Labs is a member of the American Heart Association’s Innovators’ network

Noah Labs is a Member of the American Heart Association’s Innovators’ Network.

Leading specialists rely on Noah Labs...

"I wouldn't have thought that my older patients would be able to handle the devices so well."

Dr. med. V. Furundzija-Cabraja

Kardiologische Privatpraxis Frohnau

"Thanks to Noah Labs, we feel well taken care of even from a distance."

Gisela Mehring, 72

"Noah Labs takes care of providing the devices and setting them up for the patient. The improved data situation enables more targeted care and increases the efficiency of our practice."

Dr. Thanabalasingam

Practice for Cardiology Berlin

"Noah Labs enriches my life, gives me security and close contact with my cardiologist."

Alfred Hopp, 76

... and achieve better results for their patients.

Leading specialists rely on Noah Labs...

"I wouldn't have thought that my older patients would be able to handle the devices so well."

“Neben der erheblichen Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung waren für uns ein klares rechtliches Rahmenwerk und die Möglichkeit zur zukünftigen Ausweitung auf weitere Krankheitsbilder entscheidende Faktoren. Durch die intelligente Auswertung der Gesundheitsdaten und einfache Handhabung konnten wir Noah Labs Ark ganz einfach in unseren Praxisalltag integrieren, ohne zusätzliches Personal einstellen zu müssen.”

Dr. Spengler

Praxis Dres. Spengler

"Noah Labs takes care of providing the devices and setting them up for the patient. The improved data situation enables more targeted care and increases the efficiency of our practice."

“Im ersten Quartal identifizierten wir etwa 100 von 180 Herzinsuffizienzpatienten, die vom Telemonitoring profitieren. Seit dem Start nehmen wir wöchentlich 3-5 Patienten auf. Noah Labs kümmert sich um Bereitstellung der Geräte sowie das Einrichten beim Patienten. Die bessere Datenlage ermöglicht gezieltere Betreuung und steigert die Effizienz unserer Praxis.”

Dr. Thanabalasingam

Practice for Cardiology Berlin

"Thanks to Noah Labs, we feel well taken care of even from a distance."

“Mein Mann sitzt im Rollstuhl und ein Besuch beim Kardiologen ist immer mit viel Anstrengung und Stress verbunden. Dank Noah Labs fühlen wir uns auch aus der Ferne bestens versorgt und sind endlich nicht mehr permanent im Ungewissen darüber, wie es um die Gesundheit seindes Herzens bestellt ist.”

Gisela Mehring, 72

"Noah Labs enriches my life, gives me security and close contact with my cardiologist."

"After my heart attack, I was diagnosed with heart failure. Since then, I have been very uncertain and constantly afraid that something might happen. Since I started using Noah Labs, I can participate in my family's daily life without limitations and have control over my health. Additionally, I constantly receive compliments for my stylish watch that now monitors my heart."

Alfred Hopp, 76

... and achieve better results for their patients.

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