Woman Shares 5 Beauty Treatments She's Had—and Why She Regrets Them

With so many options for a quick tweak here and a little lift there, it's no wonder that many across the world are rushing into beauty treatments in an effort to achieve a certain aesthetics. From breast enhancements to botulinum toxin, the result and recovery time may differ, but all these treatments are for often one reason only: looks.

With Statista revealing 70% of U.S. consumers considered some form of cosmetic procedure in 2023, there's bound to be a few regrets of overfilled lips or unnecessary nose jobs, but people are slow to admit they made mistakes when it comes to treatments. One woman is now owning up to her moments of misjudgment in the hopes of educating others on the importance of properly considering your options before booking in.

Marta Mielczarska, a 30-year-old content creator living in Los Angeles, shared a TikTok video detailing five cosmetic treatments she'd undergone—and the reasons she regretted them.

Woman Shares Why She Regrets Beauty Treatments
A woman's insight into why she regrets five beauty treatments she chose to undergo has gone viral. Marta Mielczarska told Newsweek she's "definitely not going to be doing any major treatments ever again." @martamie/TikTok

The video has since gone viral, with over 100,000 views since it was shared in April, as users listened to Mielczarska's reasoning for why she regrets each treatment.

1. Under Eye Filler

Mielczarska, who was "blessed with giant eye bags," turned to under eye filler as an alternative to a fat removal surgery, as she said "nobody's cutting me up near my eyes."

Admitting in the video, "I know I'm not the best candidate for [this treatment] because I don't have hollow eyes," the filler added more volume to her face, with her sharing that although it did get rid of the bags she felt she "just looked very almost swollen."

Speaking to Newsweek, Mielczarska shared "The filler worked, however, to achieve the look we also had to put a little bit of filler in my cheeks to even out my face which gave me a overfilled, puffy face look."

Luckily the filler has naturally thinned over the years, as she shared, "I do not think I need to get it dissolved because the look I have now after three years is natural and not overfilled anymore."

2. Anti-wrinkle Injections and Lip Filler

Sticking to the injectables category, Mielczarska admitted, "I've had some bad Botox before in my life. It did not look cute.

"Same goes for the lip filler. I've found a really good person, but I've had some really bad lip filler before."

Her main regret for these treatments weren't the procedures themselves, but the practitioners she chose to see, as she told Newsweek, "It's difficult because you don't know until you know. You always think that people who do injections know what they are doing since it is literally their profession.

"I was looking for cheapest options and that is not always the best when it comes to your face. Now, I have a couple of trusted places for specific things and I will not be experimenting with new ones to not make any mistakes again."

3. Microblading

Another area she wished she'd left alone was her eyebrows, as she said in the video: "I've done it probably eight years ago, and it was supposed to last only a year, but it's still there and it's not going away.

"It just looks very weird and faded. They did a really good job, but still, I wish I never got it."

Speaking to Newsweek, Mielczarska admitted to being influenced by others when it came to this treatment, as she shared, "Microblading was popping and I hopped on the trend.

"I also remember being 20 and waking up with friends at the same house and my girlfriend making a comment asking, 'Marta, where are your eyebrows?' and that made me even more self-conscious .

"At the time I liked the results because I finally had eyebrows, but now they look faded and not as fresh and I do not want to redo them as the trend has passed. I was not blessed with a lot of brow hair as I am naturally blonde, so I am still searching for a better solution for lush 'trendy' brows."

4. Eyelash Extensions

Something she called a "serious addiction," Mielczarska is pulling back on her lash extensions, despite them being part of her routine for eight years.

She told Newsweek, "They make my life so easy cause I wake up and I am ready to go. I took a little break during COVID because salons were closed, but I was putting falsies almost every day which was extremally annoying.

"Now, I am just torn in between convenience and nature. I want a natural look and I see the videos of girls getting them removed and they look absolutely beautiful and much better without them, but somehow I cannot explain to myself that I will look better when I take them off."

5. Breast Implants

After a botched initial surgery, Mielczarska was forced to go under the knife for a second time just a few years later. Upon reflection, she shared that, "I wish I never did it, and I'm really considering an explant right now."

She told Newsweek, "From what I hear, a lot of surgeons suggest you go bigger than you want for your first augmentation cause you will regret going too small and this is what I did—which I absolutely shouldn't).

"I have a fairly small frame and the implants that were put on me the first time looked absolutely ridiculous! I felt like it's the breast and me behind them. They completely did not match my frame or my personality.

"On top of that, three years after, I had complication—double bubble, when the implant drops below the pocket creating the look of a double bubble—and I hated looking at myself in the mirror."

After seeking help from a new doctor she was able to get the results she'd initially wanted, but despite that Mielczarska said, "I could not be happier with the new results, but in general I wish I never got it because looking from the perspective I was young and I definitely did not need that to feel confident.

"Now I am thinking about having plastic in my body and it does not make me feel good. I do not know if I am going to be brave enough to remove them completely, but maybe one day!"

Overall, her experiences have made her rethink the way she approaches cosmetic treatments, as she said, "I am definitely not going to be doing any major treatments ever again, but rather focus more on my skin condition and smaller things like anti-wrinkle injections.

"All the mistakes I made were because I was young, I did not have money to get good care and right treatment and I was not educated enough in that area. Now I know better how to make the right choice and have trusted places that I know will not let me make those mistakes again."

About the writer

Lollie is Newsweek's Beauty and Self Care Reporter based in London, U.K. In her role, she covers a range of ... Read more

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