May 22, 2024

Today's Arab League Is an Indispensable Partner for Peace

We want to prove the critics wrong and to show the world that the Arab League is on the right side of history. We are heavily invested in a peaceful regional future and determined to exorcise the ghosts of the past.
May 20, 2024

Ukraine May Soon Have to Sue for Peace

While the war with Russia has enabled a quiet extension of Volodymyr Zelensky's term, it is a fitting moment to take stock of a catastrophe that has been overshadowed by the Gaza war.
May 17, 2024
May 16, 2024

The Biden-Trump Debates Won't Move the Needle. Here's Why

The reality is that almost no one other than die-hard political junkies and people who get paid to write hot takes afterwards wants to see these two elderly, unpopular politicians bicker for two hours.
May 15, 2024
May 14, 2024
May 13, 2024

The Kids Are Alright

If the student-led protests achieve nothing politically in the U.S., they have at least given hope to the hundreds of thousands of Gazans facing violence, famine, and displacement.
May 10, 2024

Biden Withholding Aid From Israel Sure Looks Impeachable

The Biden administration has put a hold on a shipment of military aid to Israel in a nakedly political attempt to win votes in key swing states. Presidents have been impeached for far less.
May 09, 2024

Actually, Donald Trump Is a Little Like Al Capone

Former President Donald Trump came closer to the truth than he realized when he compared his legal dilemma to Al Capone's—just not in the way he intended.
May 07, 2024
May 06, 2024
May 02, 2024
May 01, 2024

Marijuana's Reclassification Is Wrong

Somewhere along the line, our politicians and even top private industry leaders have abandoned any semblance of promoting an aspirational society.
April 30, 2024

AI Use in Court Is Ethical When Used Correctly

AI should be used to better society, enable people to do their jobs with fewer limits, and allow them to better practice law, write briefs, and advise clients.
April 29, 2024

It's Time to Act Against Antisemitic Behavior on Campus

In the past few weeks, we have witnessed an unabated explosion of Jew-hatred at some of the top American universities, including Columbia, Yale, New York University, and others.
April 26, 2024
April 25, 2024

The New Census Racial Group May Hurt Those It Is Supposed To Help

Americans whose ancestors came from the MENA region don't need a new government-designed race to validate their ethnicities, cultures, or ancestry any more than they need a special religious category in a government survey to validate their Islamic, Christian, Jewish, Yazidi, or other religious beliefs.
April 24, 2024
April 23, 2024
April 22, 2024

America's Empire Is Still Strong

The United States of America is an empire of might and of influence. There has never been anything like it for scale and global impact, even if history has yet to render its verdict on America's endurance.

America Is in Decline

Is America's downturn merely another dip in a long arc of non-linear, yet essentially upward, progress? Or is it, rather, the first phase of steep and irreversible national decline?