Statement: Expected Appointment of Ajit Pai as Next FCC Chairman

News Media Alliance Applauds Expected Appointment of Ajit Pai as Next FCC Chairman

Statement by David Chavern, News Media Alliance President & CEO

On behalf of the News Media Alliance, I applaud the expected appointment of Ajit Pai as the next Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).  Commissioner Pai has been an avid supporter of the news media industry, recognizing the importance of investment in journalism.  This is most recently evidenced by his voting record and statements against the FCC’s decision to keep in place the ban on newspaper/broadcast cross ownership.  Commissioner Pai has a history of intellectual honesty, and an appreciation for balancing consumer interests with incentives for investment, both of which are an integral part of serving the public interest. His continued service and leadership would be a valuable contribution to the Commission, and we support his anticipated ascent as its Chair.