JCPA Resource Center

JCPA Resource Center

Welcome to the JCPA Resource Center.

Contact your local representatives

Your place for information on the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA), which would allow news publishers to collectively negotiate with the tech platforms for fair compensation for use of their content.

Actions You Can Take Now

JCPA Quick Links:

Scroll down for additional resources and materials.

Actions You Can Take Now:

The most important thing publishers can do right now is let your representatives know how urgently this legislation is needed and how important it is to your publications.

Actions you can take to help the JCPA move forward:

  1. Contact your local representatives
  2. Join our campaign calling on Congress to pass the JCPA by running this editorial
  3. Run ads in support of the JCP

Save Local News - Support the JCPA

Show your support and help preserve trustworthy quality journalism in America.

Sign our petition to encourage Congress to pass the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act, a bipartisan bill that that would help ensure news publishers receive fair compensation from Google and Facebook for use of their original content.

List of JCPA Supporters
Add your name to the list of JCPA Supporters


JCPA Talking Points and Message Guidance

JCPA Talking Points

We urge you to support the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) to ensure that news publishers are fairly compensated by Big Tech for the value of their content. Use our talking points in conversations about the bill.

Download talking points

Copyright Myth

The Copyright Alliance sent a letter to House and Senate Antitrust Chairs David Cicilline (D-RI) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), respectively, and Ranking members Ken Buck (R-LA) and Mike Lee (R-UT), striking down false claims and emphasizing that the JCPA does not implicate copyright law. The JCPA addresses antitrust issues and does not mention or implicate copyright law. Read the letter here.

Help Us Get JCPA Co-Sponsors:

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Contact your Member of Congress and ask that they sponsor this legislation to support a one-time safe harbor for news publishers.
  2. Send a thank-you letter if your state’s member of Congress has co-sponsored the JCPA. Click here for a sample letter.

Myth vs. Fact: The JCPA

Myth vs. Fact: The Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA)

Local journalism, necessary for maintaining an informed and active citizenry, is under threat. By not paying small and local publishers for access to their quality reporting, Big Tech has created news deserts, driving many outlets out of business. The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) would allow small and local news publishers to collectively negotiate with Big Tech for fair compensation for access to the journalistic content that generates revenue on those platforms.

Myth vs. Fact: the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA) addresses the misconceptions about the JCPA made by Big Tech and their allies.

Related: News/Media Alliance Defends The JCPA, Says It Will Create Jobs (MediaPost)

JCPA Fact Sheet

“Support the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act”

Facebook and Google abuse their duopoly power over the digital marketplace, setting the rules for news publishers and determining how journalism is displayed, prioritized, and monetized. These rules have led to the commoditization of news and the proliferation of dangerous misinformation that undermines the fabric of our democracy.

We must pass the JCPA to ensure that publishers – especially small and local publishers – are treated fairly and compensated justly. These publishers work hard to report news and write content, yet Big Tech companies are the ones who profit most from their work. This is fundamentally unfair, and the JCPA will bring about much-needed change.

Read the JCPA one-pager here.

Timeline: Meta's Keeps News Publishers Spinning with Endless Mind Games

Big tech company Meta, which owns Facebook, has over the years changed course in its relationship with news more times than we can count, pushing news publishers away one moment and pulling them back the next to serve their interests, with little regard for the detrimental impact to publishers, journalism, and readers. This timeline illustrates how Meta has literally flipped from one side to the complete opposite, sometimes in the span of days, and how they have stated their intent to prioritize news, only to cast it off later as old news.

View the timeline here.

Don't Let Big Tech Cancel Local News, Support the JCPA Ads

Don’t Let Big Tech Cancel Local News.

Local news organizations are under pressure. Local news strengthens our community, but local papers across the country are under threat. Big Tech takes advantage of the news and information created by local publishers, but they won’t pay for it.

The Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA) is a bipartisan bill that allows local news companies to negotiate with Big Tech to ensure they are treated fairly and compensated justly. If Congress doesn’t pass the JCPA, communities across America will continue to lose quality local, fact-based news coverage.

Contact your member of Congress to support the JCPA and ensure Big Tech doesn’t cancel local news: 202.224.3121

Run our full-color ads for print and digital

JCPA Editorials / Op-Eds

Support from members’ constituent publishers will help build momentum for the legislation. Click the links below to download and run the post-election editorial on the need to pass the JCPA now.


“We Must Act Now to Save Local News”

Additional op-ed and editorial:

JCPA Democracy Sample editorial

* Note: If you would like to run it as an op-ed, please list the author as Danielle Coffey, President and CEO, News/Media Alliance. Please click here to download a head shot.

Bill Co-Sponsors

2023 Senate Bill (S. 1094) Sponsors:

  • Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) – Chair of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
  • John Kennedy (R-LA), Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee


John Barrasso (R-WY); Richard Blumenthal (D-CT); Cory Booker (D-NJ); Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV); Bill Cassidy (R-LA); Susan Collins (R-ME); Steve Daines (R-MT); Dick Durbin (D-IL); Dianne Feinstein (D-CA); Lindsey Graham (R-SC); John Hickenlooper (D-CO); Mazie Hirono (D-HI); John Neely Kennedy (R-LA); Angus S. King, Jr. (I-ME); Amy Klobuchar (D-MN); Cynthia Lummis (R-WY); Joe Manchin (D-WV); Lisa Murkowski (R-AK); Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI); Roger Wicker (R-MS)

White Paper

White Paper: “How Google Abuses Its Position as a Market Dominant Platform to Strong-Arm News Publishers and Hurt Journalism”

Based on more than a year of interviews and consultations with many Alliance members about their experiences with Google products, this White Paper outlines several of the ways in which Google uses news content to its advantage across its products and services. 


California State Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection Hearing on the California Journalism Preservation Act (AB 886) (April 25, 2023)

Watch: Video of hearing

Saving the Free and Diverse Press (March 12, 2021)

Hearing information
Written testimony of News Media Alliance President & CEO, David Chavern
Statement of the Record of Maribel Perez Wadsworth, President of News, Gannett Media
and Publisher, USA TODAY

House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Online Platforms & Market Power (June 10, 2019)

Watch: Video highlights
Written testimony
Statement for the record

Alliance JCPA Press Releases & Statements

News/Media Alliance Calls on Justice Department, FTC, and with CNPA calls on California Attorney General, to Open Investigation into Google’s Blocking of News in California (4.16.24)

News/Media Alliance Statement: Google Removes News from Search in California (4.12.24)

Global Reaction to Google and Meta Threat to Take Down News in Canada (7.5.23)

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Passage of the Canadian Journalism Compensation Bill into Law (6.22.23)

News/Media Alliance Applauds Senate Judiciary for Passing Bipartisan Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) (6.15.23)

Statement: Senators Feinstein, Hirono and King Sign on as Co-Sponsors of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (5.18.23)

News/Media Alliance Applauds California Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection for Voting in Favor of California Journalism Preservation Act (4.26.23)

News/Media Alliance Applauds Members of Senate for Reintroducing Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (3.31.23)

Statement: News Publishers Call on President Biden to Defend Local Journalism in Canada Visit (3.22.23)

News/Media Alliance Applauds California State Assembly for Introducing California Journalism Preservation Act (3.20.23)

Statement: Meta Threatens to Remove News from Facebook if JCPA is Passed (12.5.23)

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Senate Markup of Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA), Calls on House to Mark-Up Bill Next Week (9.22.22)

Newspapers Nationwide Run Coordinated Ad Campaign, Urge Congress to Pass JCPA (7.19.22) 

Statement: News Deserts Are Getting Worse. Legislation is Needed Now to Ensure Local Publishers are Compensated for Their Work. (7.5.22)

Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Support Big Tech Compensating Local Papers (4.28.22)

News Media Alliance Applauds Members of House and Senate for Reintroducing Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (3.10.21)

Share Social Media Support for the JCPA

Share your support for the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act — and ask your Member of Congress to do the same — by tweeting at them with one of our pre-written tweets. You can add some visual appeal by using one of our social graphics, too.

Tweet your Member

Click to see full-size images. 


JCPA Videos

Scroll down to view more videos.

California State Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection Hearing on the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA, AB 886), April 25, 2023:

Featuring testimony by News/Media Alliance Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Danielle Coffey.

Click on the image below to watch on YouTube.

Video Archive

Washington Post Live Discussion: View from the Hill: Bipartisan Efforts to Protect Local News