

The Alliance advocates for its members’ ability to effectively protect their content and enforce their rights through copyright laws and licensing enforcement. Publishers are both creators and users of copyrighted works, who regularly interpret and rely on fair use principles to disseminate high quality journalism needed for an informed public. Copyright laws protect the ability of publishers to benefit from their significant investments in new, creative content, while also defending their ability to make lawful use of copyrighted works.

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News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Supporting Music Publisher’s Motion for a Preliminary Injunction Against Anthropic in Copyright Infringement Case

News/Media Alliance Joins Brief Supporting Music Publisher’s Motion for a Preliminary Injunction Against Anthropic in Copyright Infringement Case

The Alliance, along with other leading trade associations representing record labels, music publishers, book publishers, and various artist and songwriter groups, moved to file a new amicus brief in an ongoing litigation between Anthropic and three music publishers, after the case was transferred from the Middle District of Tennessee to ... Read More
Recording Now Available! Member Webinar: Copyright Registration Tutorial: Part 2 of 2

Recording Now Available! Member Webinar: Copyright Registration Tutorial: Part 2 of 2

The Copyright Office just made registration of publisher website content easier than ever by adopting its proposed Rule on Group Registration of Updates to News Websites. Join News/Media Alliance to learn all about this new rule and how to start registering and protecting your content now! ... Read More
Copyright Office Adopts Final Rule to Allow Publishers Register Online Content

Copyright Office Adopts Final Rule to Allow Publishers Register Online Content

The new rule applies to news websites, and will become applicable immediately. The rule is based on the same application as the pre-existing group registration option for newspapers – which the Alliance played an important role in developing prior to its adoption in 2018 – including the registration fee ... Read More
News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services

News/Media Alliance Applauds the Copyright Office for Modernizing Registration of Online News Content, Protecting Investments in Vital Public Services

The News/Media Alliance commends the U.S. Copyright Office for today adopting the rule on group registration of updates to news websites ... Read More
Alliance CEO Danielle Coffey on NPR's Cincinnati Edition: How are media companies responding to AI?

Alliance CEO Danielle Coffey on NPR’s Cincinnati Edition: How are media companies responding to AI?

Danielle Coffey, President & CEO of the News/Media Alliance, recently participated in a panel discussion on NPR Network affiliate WVXU's Cincinnati Edition with Lucy May, on how media companies are responding to AI.  ... Read More
Alliance President & CEO on Google Incorporating AI Tool Gemini into Search Engine: “This will be catastrophic to our traffic.”

Alliance President & CEO on Google Incorporating AI Tool Gemini into Search Engine: “This will be catastrophic to our traffic.”

“This will be catastrophic to our traffic, as marketed by Google to further satisfy user queries, leaving even less incentive to click through so that we can monetize our content," Danielle Coffey, the chief executive of the News/Media Alliance, bluntly told CNN in an article published today, reacting to the ... Read More