When asking what electromagnetism, one of four known fundamental forces of nature, does, it is perhaps easier first to say what it doesn’t do. It doesn’t keep our feet on the ground, Earth swinging around the sun, or the stars and galaxies in the universe moving on large scales: this is the domain of gravity. It doesn’t bind fundamental particles together in the atomic nucleus, or determine their decay: the strong and weak nuclear forces do that.
But pretty much every other phenomenon that happens on scales between those two depends on electromagnetism. Most obvious are the two from which the force derives its name: electricity and magnetism. These were the subject of much investigation and experimentation by 19th century physicists such as Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. It was Maxwell who in the 1860s showed that electricity and magnetism are in fact two aspects of one unified phenomenon: moving electric currents caused magnetic fields, and magnetic fields induce electric currents to flow. Maxwell also showed in his classical theory of electromagnetism that electric and magnetic fields always propagated at the same constant speed: the speed of light, c.
This takes us to the nub of what 20th century quantum field theory revealed electromagnetism to be. It is the fundamental force that acts between all particles that possess electric charge, positive and negative: like charges repel, whereas opposite charges attract. (Something similar is true of magnetic north and south poles, with the odd and unexplained difference that they always come in pairs: there are no magnetic “monopoles” that can move independently of one another.)
According to quantum electrodynamics, or QED, the quantum field theory that now explains electromagnetism, its force carrying particle – its “boson”, exchanged between all charged particles – is the photon, the quantum of light. Photons of different energies are associated with waves of different frequencies, and the electromagnetic spectrum is the name given to the gamut of them all, from low-frequency radio waves past visible light to high-frequency gamma rays.
As such, electromagnetism is responsible for far more than just electricity and magnetism. It is the force that binds negatively charged electrons to positively charged atomic nuclei, ensuring that stable atoms can be formed and that chemistry – including the chemistry of life – can happen. It is also responsible for all sorts of everyday forces such as friction that ultimately result from the interactions of electrons at an atomic level.
The study of quantum electrodynamics has revealed all sorts of surprises, too. When the physicist Paul Dirac was tinkering with an early version of the theory in the late 1920s, it suggested that a positively charged version of the electron existed – the portal to a whole new world of “antimatter” that mirrors all conventional particles with ones of opposite electric charge. Why our world is made of atoms and not anti-atoms has to rank has one of the most fundamental mysteries of physics.