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Zoos and Animal Rights: The Ethics of Keeping Animals by Stephen St
C. Bostock, Routledge, pp 227, £35 hbk, £10.99 pbk

At the beginning of this century you could visit a zoo near Hamburg
in Germany where, alongside the animals, were displayed Lapps and Nubians.
That people should have been exhibited like animals is thoroughly distasteful.
But if animals’ needs are not so different from our own, then it could be
argued that they should not be locked up either. Stephen Bostock’s book
is an unusual combination of zookeeping and philosophy which seeks to address
what he terms the ‘special challenge to zoos’: the right to freedom for

He argues, however, that some animals can still be free to follow their
natural behaviour even if held in a zoo. The hen, for instance, is not
that different from its ancestor the jungle fowl, and its needs can easily
be catered for in a non-natural habitat. Lions, on the other hand, may need
large areas in which to roam in the wild, though the males spend a great
deal of time resting and leave hunting to the females.

Lions kept in zoos are, in any case, semi-domesticated, and wildness
in zoo animals will always be relative. So if it is acceptable to keep fully
domesticated animals in captivity, argues Bostock, it cannot be entirely
wrong to keep slightly domesticated animals in good zoos.

He maintains that captivity can have benefits: robins in the wild live
only one-tenth of their potential life span and have only a 50 per cent
chance of surviving from one year to the next. Good zoos provide protection
from predation and ensure that animals are healthy and well fed. But, as
Bostock points out, no matter how well the animals are cared for, they didn’t
ask to be ‘rescued’, and the protection cannot compensate for a life of
dullness and boredom. Even providing animals with basic needs can be a mixed
blessing. Many do go short of food or starve in the wild, it’s true. But
because finding food takes up much of an animal’s time, doling it out on
a plate denies it a purposeful life.

Struggling to retain both his belief that animals have rights and that
zoos are acceptable, Bostock goes on to ask whether caging them counts as
captivity. The word ‘captivity’ holds ominous meaning in the context of
humans, says Bostock, because it conjures up hostages or prisoners of war,
but he suggests that animal captivity is essentially different.

This slightly biased account (Bostock is the education officer for Glasgow
Zoo) does not quite match up to the reality of most zoos today, but as a
guideline for zoos of the future and the more enlightened around now it
is a compassionate and well-thought-out book. That there are advantages
to zoos is undeniable, and if zoos work together to make their primary aim
the breeding of endangered animals, they may be able to maintain most of
the larger mammals and many birds and reptiles for at least a century if
these animals were to become extinct in the wild. As he notes, watching
natural history films cannot replace zoos, since without zoos as conservation
centres, celluloid evidence could be all that remains of many species.

Sanjida O’Connell is a writer and TV producer, and is currently studying
chimps at Twycross Zoo.

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