The Crown Timeline: A Recap of Season 1 through 6 - Netflix Tudum

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Revisit all the regal and revelatory moments from the drama so far.
By Tudum Staff
Dec. 18, 2023

Princess Elizabeth Marries Philip Mountbatten

Nov. 20, 1947: After relinquishing his Greek and Danish titles, the newly renamed Lt. Philip Mountbatten (Matt Smith), 26, marries 21-year-old Princess Elizabeth (Claire Foy) at Westminster Abbey in front of their nearest and dearest — plus 2,000 guests and 200 million BBC Radio listeners. Ever the attention seeker, former (but soon to return) prime minister Winston Churchill (John Lithgow) threatens to steal Elizabeth’s thunder by parading down the aisle just before she processes in with her father, King George VI (Jared Harris). A year later, Princess Elizabeth gives birth to Prince Charles, and nearly two years after that, her first and only daughter, Princess Anne, is born.

On Set: During Season 1 production, teams of six people worked for six weeks at a time embroidering Elizabeth’s wedding train and dress.


King George VI Dies

Feb. 6, 1952: Having undergone lung surgery a year earlier, King George continues to decline in health. (Things aren’t looking great for Churchill — who was re-elected as prime minister in 1951 —  either as his cabinet members begin to question how much longer the nearly 80-year-old leader should serve.) Princess Elizabeth and Philip are touring the Commonwealth and are in Kenya when King George dies in his sleep at the Sandringham Estate on Feb. 6, 1952. The news reaches Elizabeth and Philip later that day, and they’re forced to fly home, where Princess Elizabeth assumes the title of Queen Elizabeth II much sooner than she imagined, at just 25. 

A view of a ship

The Duke of Windsor Returns to England to Attend the King’s Funeral 

February 1952: More than 15 years after abdicating the throne to his younger brother, the former King Edward VIII (Alex Jennings) returns for King George’s funeral under great media scrutiny.


A Great Smog Descends on London

Dec. 5-9, 1952: The UK might be notorious for dreary weather, but when a thick black fog cloaks the capital in 1952, the city comes to a standstill as the smog claims an estimated 12,000 lives.


Elizabeth Is Crowned Queen

June 2, 1953: Elizabeth’s big day arrives and — for the first time ever during a coronation — cameras film inside Westminster Abbey as she’s crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Her wedding to the Duke of Edinburgh might’ve drawn a big crowd, but the queen’s crowning moment brings 96,000 people out in the streets, while roughly 277 million people watch the broadcast around the world. 

A photo of Princess Margaret (Vanessa Kirby) and Peter Townsend, 38,  (Ben Miles).

Peter Townsend Is Sent to Brussels to Work at the British Embassy

1953: After years of press speculation, the romance between 23-year-old Princess Margaret (Vanessa Kirby) and Peter Townsend, 38,  (Ben Miles) — an equerry (a fancy word for assistant) to King George VI and later Queen Elizabeth’s deputy master of the household — is made public. The couple intends to marry, but Margaret needs her sister’s permission to marry the former RAF officer since she’s under 25. Elizabeth asks her sister to wait a year to get engaged, expressing concern that a marriage to the divorced father of two couldn’t be recognized by the Church of England or accepted by the Commonwealth. In the end, due to the establishment’s disapproval, Townsend is appointed air attaché at the British Embassy in Brussels. After all, long-distance relationships aren’t easy at the time.

Royal Bulletin

It’s likely that King George VI knew that a flirtation existed between his daughter and Townsend. In August 1951, during a picnic at Balmoral, the king witnessed Margaret tenderly cover Townsend with a coat while he napped in the grass.


Churchill Suffers a Stroke

Summer 1953: After suffering a stroke that renders him partially paralyzed, Winston Churchill considers the unthinkable: retiring. Ultimately, though, he decides to stay on as prime minister when his successor, Anthony Eden (Jeremy Northam), is incapacitated by health issues of his own.

A view of Elizabeth and Philip exiting a plane waving at the crowd

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Embark on a World Tour

November 1953–May 1954: Ten months after her coronation, Elizabeth and Philip set out on a seven-month round-the-world tour, covering more than 40,000 miles and 13 countries. 

On Set: With its multiple locations and huge scale, Season 1 of The Crown employed 7,000 extras, all of whom had between two and five costumes (and that’s in addition to the 300-350 principal costumes). 

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The Crown Season 1 Episode 9 Winston Churchill Resigns as Prime Minister Gif

Winston Churchill Resigns as Prime Minister

April 5, 1955: Winston Churchill suffers a decline in his mental and physical health and, after offering the country his blood, toil, tears and sweat for years, he tenders his resignation to Buckingham Palace. Anthony Eden assumes the role of prime minister.

The Crown Season 2 Cover Media
The Crown Season 2 Cover Media
a man standing behind a podium and microphone

The Suez Crisis Begins

Oct. 29, 1956: When President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt takes control of the Suez Canal from its British and French owners, Britain, along with France and Israel, invades Egypt without the UN’s support. The hasty and hostile move upsets President Dwight Eisenhower so greatly that he forces Prime Minister Anthony Eden to withdraw troops immediately.

A view of whiskey barrels stacked on top of each other with the Union Jack flying above

Prince Philip Tours the Commonwealth

November–December 1956: Nine years into his marriage, Prince Philip enjoys a five-month Commonwealth tour. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is at home weathering the humiliating fallout of the Suez Crisis and equally embarrassing reports in the press that her husband's bestie and private secretary has been unfaithful to his wife. Philip is tarnished by association and many begin to wonder if he, too, has strayed.

Royal Bulletin

Twenty-five tons of beer are loaded onto the royal yacht in preparation for Philip’s trip — really takes “lads on tour” to another level. 

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The Crown Season 2 Episode 3 Eden MacMillan Media Gif

Anthony Eden Resigns; Harold Macmillan Becomes Prime Minister

Jan. 10, 1957: Though he publicly states he’s resigning as prime minister due to valid health reasons, Anthony Eden leaves his post just two months after bungling the Suez Crisis. Eden’s foreign secretary, Harold Macmillan (Anton Lesser), becomes prime minister the following day. 


Elizabeth and Philip Celebrate Their 10th Wedding Anniversary

Nov. 20, 1957: At the respective ages of 31 and 36, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary with a fancy dinner party at Buckingham Palace.


Queen Elizabeth Makes Her First Televised Christmas Address

Dec. 25, 1957: After a scathing magazine article criticizes the queen’s relatability and speech-making style, she explores new ways to better connect with the British people. A few months later, a nervous Elizabeth is in front of the camera warmly addressing her subjects during her first televised Royal Christmas Message, beginning a tradition she would continue to observe for the next 64 years. 

Royal Bulletin

In real life, Philip also brought in beloved broadcaster David Attenborough to give the queen vocal lessons ahead of the address.

A view of a top secret file

The Marburg Files Are Released

August 1957: Top-secret German World War II diplomatic papers are published in a book, including communications regarding a plot to restore the Duke of Windsor, rumored to be a Nazi sympathizer, to the throne if England had lost the war — really not a good look for the former king. 


Princess Margaret Marries Antony Armstrong-Jones

May 6, 1960: After years of falling for a variety of “wrong” men, Princess Margaret meets the rakish Antony Armstrong-Jones (Matthew Goode), a one-time portrait photographer of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, at a dinner party in 1957. The two begin dating in secret almost immediately and upon unexpectedly receiving Elizabeth’s approval, they marry on May 6, 1960, in the first televised royal wedding at Westminster Abbey. Hurray for Margot! 

On Set: When it came to styling Tony, costume designer Jane Petrie wanted him to be “a really cool, ’60s guy that Margaret would obviously be drawn to — a little bit dangerous, a little bit edgy, anti-establishment.” 

The Kennedys Visit Buckingham Palace Jackie Kennedy (Jodi Balfour) accompanies her husband (President John F. Kennedy (michael C. Hall)

The Kennedys Visit Buckingham Palace

June 5, 1961: It’s a meeting of two global female icons when Jackie Kennedy (Jodi Balfour) accompanies her husband (President John F. Kennedy — you might have heard of him — played by Michael C. Hall) to visit Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace. Upon meeting, the First Lady gives the queen an American-style handshake, rather than the traditional curtsy. While Kennedy is not a British subject and therefore doesn’t have to curtsy to the queen, the formal greeting is considered good manners — and one does greatly appreciate good manners. 

On Set: Since Jackie Kennedy’s style is so well-known, the costume department went to great lengths to re-create her iconic looks. “You need to be [as] authentic and accurate as you can be in the cutting and the making and have that high level of couture that she had,” says Petrie.

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The Crown Season 2 Episode 10 Harold Macmillan Resigns Gif

Harold Macmillan Resigns 

Oct. 18, 1963: Just five years after the Suez Canal crisis forced Anthony Eden to resign as prime minister, a much juicier sex scandal involving a 19-year-old model and Secretary of State for War (Tim Steed), who is married, signals the rise of the Labour Party. 

Prince Edward Is Born 

March 10, 1964: The queen’s fourth child, Prince Edward, is born in Buckingham Palace, the only time Prince Philip witnesses the birth of one of his own children.

Royal Bulletin

There was no lengthy maternity leave for HRH — the day after Edward’s birth, she had her dispatch box brought to her bedroom, so that she could work from bed.

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The Crown Season 3 Cover Media
A view of Winston Churchill's funeral

Winston Churchill Dies

Jan. 24, 1965: Heading into the mid-’60s, there’s a changing of the guard as Olivia Colman dons Elizabeth II’s crown and Tobias Menzies takes over the role of Prince Philip. In early 1965, Churchill suffers his eighth and final stroke and dies at home nine days later. At what would be the last (and most attended) state funeral until her own in 2022, Queen Elizabeth breaks royal protocol by attending the service, arriving before the former prime minister’s coffin. 

On Set: Series creator Peter Morgan found similarities in Colman’s and Queen Elizabeth’s approaches to their work. “There’s a relatability and a humility,” he says of the Season 3 lead. “And a bit like the queen, she doesn’t overthink it, she just turns up and does it.”

Princess Margaret (Helena Bonham Carter) and Antony Armstrong-Jones dancing together. 

Princess Margaret Is Invited to a State Dinner with President Johnson

Nov. 17, 1965: Princess Margaret (now played by Helena Bonham Carter) takes the US by storm when she and Antony Armstrong-Jones (now going by Lord Snowdon and played by Ben Daniels) take a 14-day trip to the American West. But it’s during a stop in Washington, DC, at the end of their tour that she really gets a chance to shine. Margaret charms President Lyndon Johnson during the black-tie dinner he and Lady Bird Johnson throw for the couple, dancing into the wee hours. 

Royal Bulletin

Margaret traveled to the US with 79 suitcases of British-made garments. 

Queen Elizabeth at the mining disaster in Aberfan

A Mining Disaster in Aberfan Leaves 144 Dead

Oct. 21, 1966: No chapter in Queen Elizabeth’s life (except perhaps her official response to Princess Diana’s death) more publicly called into question how the royal family should show emotion in the wake of a tragedy. When a mining disaster in a Welsh village leaves 116 children and 28 adults dead, the monarch hesitates to travel to the town, aware her presence might disrupt the rescue operation. Though she shows up in Wales eight days later to offer her sympathies, her failure to act quickly is a decision she regrets for the rest of her life.

A framed photo of Prince Philip’s mother  — Princess Alice of Greece (Jane Lapotaire). 

The Greek Military Junta begins, and Prince Philip’s Mother Must Flee to England 

April 1967: After a military coup places a right-wing dictatorship in power in Athens, Prince Philip’s mother  — the tortured Princess Alice of Greece (Jane Lapotaire), who spent much of Philip’s youth moving in and out of sanitoriums, and her adult life living in relative poverty — is forced to flee to England, where she takes up residence in a single room in Buckingham Palace for the final two years of her life.

A picture of the British pound along with a downward arrow

Harold Wilson Devalues the British Pound

November 1967: After devaluing the pound by 14% following years of ignoring the need to adjust the currency’s value, Prime Minister Harold Wilson (Jason Watkins) attempts to reassure the world that the UK is doing just fine by declaring, “This does not mean the pound in your pocket or purse or in your bank has been devalued.” (Isn’t that… exactly what it means?) The obvious and inaccurate spin causes most citizens to question their leader’s understanding of the situation and doubt the UK’s overall strength as a world power.


Prince Charles Attends the University of Aberystwyth

Summer 1969: On July 1, 1969, Queen Elizabeth anoints Prince Charles (Josh O’Connor) as the Prince of Wales (aka heir apparent to the crown) after the 20-year-old spends the summer taking Welsh lessons at Aberystwyth University so he can accept the role in the country’s mother tongue. The investiture takes place at the medieval Caernarfon Castle in front of a television audience of 500 million.


Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin Land on the Moon

July 20, 1969: After Apollo 11 lands on the moon, the royal household finds itself somewhat starry-eyed. Lucky for them, astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins stop by Buckingham Palace as part of their 22-city victory lap that autumn. 

Royal Bulletin

In real life, Queen Elizabeth gives the astronauts a microfilm message to leave behind on the moon. In it, she commends their skill and courage. 

A crowd of people at the Duke of Windsor's funeral 

The Duke of Windsor Dies

May 28, 1972: A lifelong smoker, the Duke of Windsor (Derek Jacobi) succumbs to throat cancer at age 77 in his home near the Bois de Boulogne in Paris.

Camilla Shand (Emerald Fennell) and Andrew Parker Bowles staring at each other

Camilla Shand Marries Andrew Parker Bowles

July 4, 1973: Despite Charles’ love for Camilla Shand (Emerald Fennell), his family doesn’t fully approve of the match. While the Prince of Wales is sent off on an eight-month post overseas, arrangements are made for Camilla to marry her on-again, off-again (and one time on with Princess Anne) boyfriend, Andrew Parker Bowles. The news crushes Charles, but this isn’t the end of the Charles-Camilla love story.

Princess Margaret getting her shoulders rubbed at the beach

Princess Margaret Invites Roddy Llewellyn to Her Home in Mustique

March 2, 1974: Princess Margaret’s marriage to Lord Snowdon was no stranger to infidelities and fighting, but when photos of the 46-year-old princess cavorting on the beach in Mustique with 28-year-old gardener Roddy Llewellyn (Harry Treadaway) hit the cover of News of the World in 1976, it’s enough to cause husband and wife to separate and eventually divorce in 1978, marking the first senior royal divorce in modern British history. (Spoiler alert: It isn’t the last.) 

The Queen in a pink chanel dress

The Queen Celebrates Her Silver Jubilee

June 7, 1977: Grab the bunting! To mark the occasion of Elizabeth’s 25 years on the throne, a Silver Jubilee is thrown in her honor with receptions held throughout the United Kingdom as well as Fiji, Tonga, Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea and a large celebration in Canada.

official mug of the Queen's Silver Jubilee

Royal Bulletin

While Antony and Margaret had separated by this point, Elizabeth still asked her sister’s ex to design the official mug. Prince Charles was also part of the design committee.

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The Crown Season 4 Cover Media
The Crown Season 4 Episode 1 Thatcher Revolving Door Gif
The Crown Season 4 Episode 1 Thatcher Revolving Door Gif

Margaret Thatcher Is Elected Prime Minister

May 4, 1979: After leading the Conservative Party for four years, Margaret Thatcher (Gillian Anderson) becomes the UK’s first female prime minister, marking the beginning of a period of significant economic and cultural change in the country. Despite the fact that they are just six months apart in age, there’s no sense of sisterhood between her and the queen. 

a photo of Lord Mountbatten 

Lord Mountbatten Is Assassinated 

Aug. 27, 1979: In an act by the Irish Republican Army to draw attention to England’s occupation of Northern Ireland, a boat carrying Prince Philip’s beloved uncle Lord Mountbatten (Charles Dance) is bombed in County Sligo, Ireland. Mountbatten dies, as does his 14-year-old grandson Nicholas Knatchbull, Knatchbull’s grandmother Lady Brabourne and Paul Maxwell, a local 15-year-old who was acting as crew member that day.  

Lady Diana Spencer Visits Balmoral walking in front of a horse carrying a deer. 

Lady Diana Spencer Visits Balmoral

Summer 1980: Family vacations can be intense, but family vacations with your potential in-laws, who happen to be royal… gosh! While dating Prince Charles, Diana Spencer (Emma Corrin) travels to Balmoral, a 50,000-acre estate in rural Scotland. The meet-the-Windsors trip is a huge success. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher also makes several trips to Balmoral, which she finds vastly less enjoyable than does her royal counterpart.

Royal Bulletin

While at Balmoral, the royal family loves to indulge in some after-dinner games, such as charades. Thatcher is not a fan of this mode of entertainment and it pains her to partake during her annual visits.


Prince Charles Marries Lady Diana Spencer 

July 29, 1981: After Prince Charles announces his engagement to Lady Diana, showing off her sapphire-and-diamond ring in the garden of Buckingham Palace, a journalist remarks that the 32-year-old Prince of Wales and his betrothed look to be “very much in love.” Charles’ glib response of, “whatever ‘in love’ means” far from reassures his 19-year-old fiancée. But nonetheless, five months later, the couple marries in Westminster Abbey as 750 million people in 74 countries watch around the world. Just another low-key royal wedding. 

A view of Princess Diana's wedding dress and its 25-foot long train. 

Royal Bulletin

The 25-foot-long train of Diana's wedding dress is the most extensive in royal history. “No one had ever seen me in the dress before,” says Corrin of the replica created for the show that took the costume department 14 weeks to design. “And I remember these doors then opened, and… this hush descending over everyone.”


The Falklands War Begins

April 16, 1982: Though it’s never officially declared a war, when Argentine troops invade and occupy the Falkland Islands, a British sovereign territory in the southern Atlantic, a British naval task force is dispatched to the region, where conflict wages between the two countries for 74 days before Argentina surrenders. 

Prince William Is Born

June 21, 1982: Less than one year after their wedding, Diana and Charles welcome an heir.

Michael Fagan (Tom Brooke) sitting on the Queen's bed while she looks at him terrified by the break in

A Man Breaks into Buckingham Palace for the Second Time

July 9, 1982: After successfully breaking into Buckingham Palace earlier that month by shimmying up a drainpipe and helping himself to half a bottle of white wine before having to abruptly leave after he spooks a chambermaid, unemployed laborer Michael Fagan (Tom Brooke) — who’s disillusioned with the government’s lack of assistance and the state of the nation — returns on the morning of July 9, 1982. Fagan slips past security once again and this time enters the queen’s bedroom, waking her only when he disturbs the curtains. After his arrest, Fagan spends the next three months undergoing psychiatric evaluation.

A collage of shots of Prince Charles and Princess Diana Touring Australia

Prince Charles and Princess Diana Tour Australia

March–April 1983: Like so many ill-fated world tours this family has embarked upon over the years, Prince Charles and Princess Diana (and an infant Prince William) set out on a 40-day diplomatic visit to Australia and New Zealand. Diana showcases an array of incredible outfits along the way, but behind the scenes, things take a tense turn as she becomes an enormous hit and Charles feels overlooked.

Prince Harry Is Born

Sept. 15, 1984: Princess Diana gives birth to a second son. At the time, Prince Harry is third in line to succeed his grandmother to the throne.


Princess Margaret Undergoes Lung Surgery 

Jan. 6, 1985: Princess Margaret has surgery to biopsy a small part of her left lung. 

Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher profiles

Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher Travel to Nassau, Bahamas

October 1985: Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Thatcher travel to the Bahamas for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, where the pair’s differing stances on the issue of South Africa’s apartheid regime become apparent. Back in the UK, the queen seemingly criticizes Thatcher’s refusal to support economic sanctions against South Africa.


Princess Diana Dances to “Uptown Girl” at London’s Royal Opera House

December 1985: As Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage deteriorates after the birth of Prince Harry, Diana plans a surprise present for Charles — a ballet performance to Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl” during a charity gala at the Royal Opera House. After weeks of rehearsing in secret, the patron of the English National Ballet wows the audience of 2,500 who give her eight curtain calls and a standing ovation — while her husband remains seated in the Royal Box.

A post card that says ‘Just arrived in New York’ and a shot of Princess Diana leaning over a crib looking at a baby. 

Princess Diana Visits New York

February 1989: During a three-day solo trip to New York City, Princess Diana visits a Harlem Hospital, where she’s photographed hugging a 7-year-old child who’s been diagnosed with AIDS. During a time when misinformation about the disease is still rampant, her visit to the ward creates a surge in adoption requests for HIV-positive infants and increased awareness about how HIV is — and isn’t — spread.

A photo of several men with a blank silhouette of Margaret Thatcher in the center. 

Margaret Thatcher Resigns as Prime Minister

Nov. 28, 1990: After 11 years as prime minister and 15 years as head of the Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher announces she’s withdrawing from the Tory leadership election and resigning from her post amid leadership challenges by members of her own party. John Major wins the top role.

The Crown Season 5 Cover Media
The Crown Season 5 Cover Media
Prince Charles and Princess Diana Vacation in Italy

Prince Charles and Princess Diana Vacation in Italy

August 1991: A 30-year-old Diana (now played by Elizabeth Debicki) and 42-year-old Charles (Dominic West) set off on what they’ve told the press to call their “second honeymoon.” Other newspaper headlines reveal that attitudes toward the royal family are changing, with much of the public now believing Elizabeth should abdicate in favor of her son in the near future.

On Set: To help him connect with the character, West rented a cottage on the now-king’s estate in Cornwall and listened to Charles’ eleven-hour narration of his 2010 book, Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World. 

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The Crown Season 5 Episode 1 Prime Minister John Major GIF

Prime Minister John Major Visits Balmoral 

September 1991: John Major (Jonny Lee Miller), the leader of the Conservative Party who took over as prime minister from Margaret Thatcher in November 1990, spends a weekend with the queen at her Scottish residence.

A collage that includes Andrew Morton Princess diana and the book he wrote

Andrew Morton Publishes a Book on Princess Diana with Her Participation

June 1992: Over several months in 1991 and 1992, Princess Diana provides royal reporter and biographer Andrew Morton (Andrew Steele) with hours of secret tape-recorded answers to his questions about her life. Diana’s friend Dr. James Colthurst (Oliver Chris) helps facilitate this by acting as a go-between, bringing Morton’s questions to Diana and her recorded answers to Morton. In June 1992, Morton publishes Diana: Her True Story, and it’s an immediate international bestseller, thanks to details about her marriage, her bulimia, her suicide attempts — and Camilla Parker Bowles. After the book’s release, Morton denies Diana’s participation. Many see through this denial, and the queen and Prince Philip’s sympathies begin to lean toward Charles.

Royal Bulletin

Morton and Colthurst were so concerned about the tapes of Diana’s interviews leaking that Morton would go to Colthurst’s home to transcribe the recordings by hand.

Mohamed Fayed (later al-Fayed, played by Salim Daw) sitting next to a woman wearing a white veil. 

Mohamed al-Fayed Enters the Scene

FLASHBACK: Mohamed Fayed (later al-Fayed, played by Salim Daw) is born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1929, and through determination, business acumen and a marriage to sister of Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, he builds a business empire that eventually includes Paris’ Ritz Hotel and the London department store Harrods. He also gets into the film business when his son Dodi (Khalid Abdalla) suggests they produce Chariots of Fire, which goes on to win the Oscar for best picture of 1981. An avid Anglophile, al-Fayed leases the late Duke of Windsor’s Paris home in 1986, overseeing extensive renovations to the villa. 

Princess Anne and Prince Andrew Both Divorce Their Spouses

Princess Anne and Prince Andrew Both Divorce Their Spouses

1992: It’s not the best look for the Defender of the Faith when Princess Anne (Claudia Harrison) and Prince Andrew (James Murray) both seek divorces while the dissolution of Charles’ marriage to Diana still dominates the tabloids. Just a few months after her divorce is finalized, Anne announces her engagement to her mother’s former equerry, Cmdr. Timothy Laurence (Theo Fraser Steele); Andrew officially leaves Sarah, Duchess of York (Emma Laird Craig). Photographs of the duchess getting her toes sucked by her financial advisor while on vacation round off an embarrassing period nicely.

A Fire Breaks Out at Windsor Castle

Nov. 20, 1992: A fire rips through Windsor Castle and destroys 100 rooms and exacts damages at a cost of more than £36.5 million to restore and repair. (The queen has to come up with the cash for 70% of those costs.) During an end-of-year speech commemorating the 40th anniversary of her succession, the queen declares her family’s scandal-ridden year to be her annus horribilis by saying, “1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure.”

Prince Charles and Diana sit across from the Queen while telling them they are separating . 

Prince Charles and Diana Separate

December 1992: After years of speculation, Prime Minister John Major announces before the House of Commons that Charles and Diana are separating, but quickly clarifies that they have “no plans to divorce.” Charles officially moves to Highgrove while Diana remains in Kensington Palace.

Prince Charles and Camilla standing in a field

The Sunday Mirror and Sunday People Publish the Transcript of a Private Phone Call Between Prince Charles and Camilla

January 1993: Not long after Charles and Diana officially separate, transcripts and a recording of a six-minute conversation between the prince and Camilla Parker Bowles in 1989 are leaked. Much of the call is mundane, except for the unforgettable moment when Charles jokes he’d like to turn into Parker Bowles’ tampon. And the rest is tabloid history.

A Documentary About Prince Charles Airs on ITV, but Diana Steals the Show 

June 29, 1994: To mark the 25th anniversary of Charles’ investiture as the Prince of Wales, Britain’s ITV broadcasts Charles: The Private Man, the Public Role, a two-and-a-half hour interview special during which the prince reveals he was unfaithful to Diana throughout their marriage. Though the program is intended to humanize Charles, public opinion of him plummets. Meanwhile, the same night the special airs, Diana is photographed looking stunning in a low-cut minidress — which will become known as “the revenge dress.” 

On Set: The Crown's costume department recreated many of Diana’s memorable looks, the revenge dress among them. But it wasn’t just the glam stuff — the team enlisted Harvard University to make the ’90s sweatshirt she famously paired with bike shorts and sunglasses.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Go on a State Visit to Russia

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Go on a State Visit to Russia

October 1994: In what marks the first and only time an English monarch has set foot on Russian soil, Elizabeth and Philip attend a four-day state visit hosted by Boris Yeltsin (Anatoliy Kotenyov). Prior to the historic trip, the family had declined invitations to the country when it was under Soviet control and also because Prince Philip’s great-aunt Tsarina Alexandra, her husband, Tsar Nicholas, and their five children were assassinated in 1918. Indeed, the duke felt such a connection to the Romanovs that, in 1991, he provides a blood sample to help identify their remains.

Prince William standing in front of Eaton College

Prince William Starts at Eton College

1995: Following in the tradition of his maternal grandfather and uncle, Prince William (Senan West) goes to boarding school at Eton College rather than attending school where his father and Prince Philip matriculated, Gordonstoun, in rural Scotland. He stops by nearby Windsor Castle to have tea with his granny often. 

Princess Diana on TV during her interview with BBC One

An Explosive, Tell-All Interview with Princess Diana Airs on BBC One

Nov. 20, 1995: A year after Prince Charles’ ITV interview, Princess Diana sits for a 54-minute chat with Panorama’s Martin Bashir (Prasanna Puwanarajah) in front of 23 million BBC viewers. It later comes to light that Bashir lured Diana into giving the interview by using falsified documents and dozens of false allegations to play on her fears that her life was in danger and that she was being spied on by MI6. Diana’s only stipulation in agreeing to Panorama is to be able to tell the Palace before the episode is announced. During the interview, the princess states that “there were three people in this marriage,” referring to Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, and questions whether her estranged husband is fit to be king. Obviously, Charles is not happy.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana Divorce

Prince Charles and Princess Diana Divorce

Aug. 29, 1996: Four years after they separate, and nine months after Queen Elizabeth urges the couple to divorce, Charles and Diana make it official. Diana reaches an agreement with The Firm that includes a lump sum and annual payments to run her household. She retains her apartments at Kensington Palace and her title of Princess of Wales and relinquishing the title of Her Royal Highness and any future claims to the British throne.

The Crown Season 5 Episode 10 Hong Kong to China GIF

Britain Officially Hands Over Authority of Hong Kong to China

July 1, 1997: After 156 years of British rule, authority over the territory of Hong Kong is officially returned to China. Prince Charles attends the rainy handover, as the queen generally doesn’t go to independence ceremonies.

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The Crown Season 5 Episode 10 B Tony Blair Wins Election GIF

Tony Blair Wins the Election

1997: As Major’s popularity tanks, that of his Labour-party rival, Tony Blair (Bertie Carvel), skyrockets. He and his party ride the wave of youth culture popularity and win in a landslide, with even Conservative-backed newspapers switching their support to Labour for the first time. Sadly for the queen, the election of a Labour Party PM means her beloved Royal Yacht Britannia is officially decommissioned. Though Blair then proposes a privately financed replacement, the queen does not take to the idea. 

The Crown Season 5 Cover Media
The Crown Season 5 Cover Media
A postcard that reads ‘St Tropez’ and Diana with her two sons. 
Episode 1

Diana Jets Off to the South of France

July 11, 1997: Eager to show William (Rufus Kampa) and Harry (Fflyn Edwards) some summer fun, Diana jets off on holiday to France with the boys — a bonus is she’ll be out of town for Camilla’s upcoming 50th birthday bash too. Luckily, Mohamed al-Fayed has invited them to spend some time at his 10-acre estate above the sea at Saint-Tropez. A few days later, Dodi arrives, and life on the Fayeds’ recently purchased £15 million, 140-foot yacht, The Jonikal, begins. [Dodi’s fiancée, Kelly Fisher (Erin Richards) follows him to France, but is forced to stay on a different yacht.]

The Princess Strikes a Pose in a leopard print bikini

The Princess Strikes a Pose

July 14, 1997: Dressed in a leopard-print swimming costume, Diana holds an impromptu press conference from a motorboat, speaking directly to British journalists who are based on another hired boat.

Camilla celebrates her 50th birthday with a lavish, black-tie party 

Camilla Celebrates a Big Milestone

July 18, 1997: Back in the UK, Camilla celebrates her 50th birthday with a lavish, black-tie party organized by Charles at his country estate at Highgrove. More than 80 guests attend. The Prince of Wales makes a heartfelt speech, praising his longtime love. The press can’t help themselves, comparing Di’s fancy vacation to Charles and Camilla’s more staid life back home.

Charles and Camilla

Royal Bulletin

In real life Charles and Camilla’s guests danced on the lawn to tunes from the last 40 years. The band mixed modern pop songs with hits from the birthday girl’s youth. Camilla stayed up boogying until 4 a.m.

Italian paparazzo Mario Brenna (Enzo Cilenti) holding a camera with a telephoto lens
Episode 2

A Saucy Photo Stuns the World

July 31–Aug. 6, 1997: After spending a private weekend in Paris, Dodi and Diana sail around Corsica and Sardinia on The Jonikal. Italian paparazzo Mario Brenna (Enzo Cilenti) takes photographs of them kissing on the yacht and sells them to the Sunday Mirror for £250,000. Combined worldwide sales to newspapers and magazines in Germany, the US, and France garner £1million.

Photos of Diana and Dodi kissing on The Jonikal front page. 

Diana Visits Bosnia, But the Kiss Makes Headlines

Aug. 8–11, 1997: The princess spends time with land mine victims in Bosnia. Though her humanitarian efforts should be the newsworthy story, the photos of Diana and Dodi kissing on The Jonikal are splashed across the tabloids’ front pages, leaving the Bosnia trip somewhat eclipsed. The Sun writes, “A new love affair can be as dangerous as the Bosnian minefields.”

Charles and the Boys Pose for a Wholesome Photo Shoot

Charles and the Boys Pose for a Wholesome Photo Shoot

Aug. 12, 1997: Nothing beats the Scottish countryside as a photo shoot backdrop. While Charles and the boys are holidaying in Balmoral, Charles’ press team comes up with the idea that he and his sons should pose for press photos, securing a narrative about stability to counter Diana’s perceived frivolous jet-setting. Charles dons a kilt for the photo op on the banks of the River Dee. William does not, and is rather reluctant to take part. Down in Derbyshire, Diana arrives in a Harrods helicopter for a visit with her psychic Rita Rogers (Sandra Hale).

Diana Goes Viral

Aug. 24, 1997: Clad in a turquoise bathing suit, Diana lounges on the end of The Jonikal’s diving board, her legs dangling over the Mediterranean as a lone seagull swoops overhead. What should have been a peaceful moment becomes an iconic shot when a paparazzi captures it on camera: Just a day later, on Aug. 25, photos are published everywhere around the world. If “going viral” had been a thing in the ’90s, this moment would’ve been the epitome of the term.

On Set: The yacht used on set was a real contemporary yacht, so to make it look like it was from the ’90s, the set decorators had to bring in fabric, pictures, and paintings from that decade. “We had to make it a little less on point in terms of proper superyacht decor today,” head set decorator Alison Harvey tells Tudum. “So we kitsched it up a little bit by taking it back in time and just tried to add nods to Mohamed’s world a bit more.”

Diana and Dodi anda  collage of their trip to Paris.
Episode 3

Diana and Dodi Leave Monte Carlo for Paris

Aug. 30, 1997: Diana and Dodi make plans to return to the UK, but ultimately change their minds and decide to make a quick stop in Paris on the way. They trade in the ocean blues for the city lights, looking in at Villa Windsor before they head to the Ritz hotel. In Paris, Dodi makes a visit to luxury jewelers Repossi to check out rings for Diana, as she’d previously pointed out one by the brand that she liked. Later that evening, the couple meets to eat dinner at the Ritz. They soon retire to the Imperial Suite, planning to leave soon after to return to Dodi’s flat for the night. Given the press scrutiny, Dodi informs his security team of a plan to leave the hotel unseen. 

Meanwhile — believing he’s off duty — Henri Paul (Yoann Blanc), the Ritz’s acting head of security who had been driving Diana and Dodi around that day, enjoys some drinks at the hotel bar. On hearing the couple wants to leave, he tries to lose the paps by announcing at the main entrance to the hotel that Dodi and Diana will be out in 10 minutes. He then sneaks them out a back exit. The veteran paparazzi, however, aren’t fooled.

Diana and Dodi’s Car Crashes in the Pont de l’Alma Tunnel

Aug. 31, 1997: In the early minutes of the morning, Dodi and Diana leave through a back exit of the Ritz, hoping to evade the paparazzi. They’re unsuccessful, and soon photographers on motorcycles and in cars are racing after them through the Parisian streets. The chase intensifies as the couple approaches the Pont de l’Alma tunnel. Around 12:23 a.m. CET, a passerby hears a crash from within the tunnel and calls for medical attention.

Episode 4

The Royal Family Learns of the Crash

Aug. 31, 1997: Back at Balmoral, the castle wakes to the sound of the phone. Elizabeth, Philip, and Charles receive the news that Dodi and driver Henri Paul (Yoann Blanc) have died instantly in a car crash in Paris, while Diana is still alive but in critical condition. By 3:15 a.m. BST, Elizabeth, Philip, and Charles are informed that Diana has also been pronounced dead. Charles decides to let his sons sleep, waiting to tell them the news later in the morning. He goes for a walk alone around Balmoral.

A young child in tears at a funeral

The Family Goes to Church

Aug. 31, 1997: Following some discussion as to whether Diana’s passing should be treated as a royal death, and after consultation with his mother and top advisers, Charles decides that he’ll fly to Paris later in the day on an RAF plane to bring back his ex-wife’s body. Before he leaves, the royal family attends church at Crathie Kirk near Balmoral. Diana isn’t mentioned during the service.

Charles exiting a plane after Flying to Paris

Charles Flies to Paris to Bring Diana Home

Aug. 31, 1997: Charles arrives in Paris to reclaim the body around 4 p.m. After spending time with Diana at the hospital, the prince accompanies the hearse through the streets of Paris, where mourners crowd the streets to pay their respects. At Balmoral, the queen does her best to shelter the boys from the world’s reaction to their mother’s death, removing all newspapers from their sight and keeping them away from the television. One day later, Dodi’s funeral takes place at Regent’s Park Mosque.

The Queen Addresses a Grieving Nation

Sept. 5, 1997: Public mood has turned against the royal family as the queen remains publicly silent on Diana’s death. Charles implores his mother to make some sort of statement, and she finally acquiesces, returning to London and addressing the nation in a television broadcast live from the Chinese Dining Room at Buckingham Palace. In her speech, Elizabeth pays personal tribute to Diana as “an exceptional and gifted human being.”

Charles, William, Harry, and Charles Spencer all walking together

Diana Is Laid to Rest

Sept. 6, 1997: Preceding Diana’s funeral at Westminster Abbey, Philip, Charles, William, Harry, and Charles Spencer (Philip Cumbus) join in a one-hour, 47-minute procession from Kensington Palace to the abbey, passing Buckingham Palace on the way. More than 1 million people line the streets of London, crying over the loss of the “people’s princess.” William and Harry walk in the procession, during which Philip talks to his oldest grandson under his breath in an effort to keep him calm. On top of the coffin, alongside three wreaths of white flowers, sits a letter addressed to “Mummy.”

A view of the funeral invite sitting on top of some flowers. 

Royal Bulletin

In real life, Elizabeth approved doubling the funeral procession’s route in order to give greater access to the crowds. She also agreed to putting giant video screens in Hyde Park, televising the funeral for the public.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Celebrate Their Golden Wedding Anniversary 
Episode 5

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Celebrate Their Golden Wedding Anniversary 

Nov. 20, 1997: Soon after the death of his mother, Princess Diana, William returns to boarding school, keen to get back to some form of normalcy. But there’s not much chance of a quiet life with girls around the country and beyond becoming increasingly infatuated with the teenage prince. A frenzied era dubbed “Willsmania” kicks off. Back at the palace, the queen and Philip are celebrating 50 years of marriage with a commemorative event that includes an official photo at Buckingham Palace, a thanksgiving service at Westminster Abbey, and lunch at the Royal Naval College in Greenwich. On arrival at the Royal Naval College, William is treated like a pop star as the crowds go crazy.

Charles, William, and Harry Hit the Slopes 

Charles, William, and Harry Hit the Slopes 

March 1998: Even on the other side of the Atlantic, William can’t escape the manic public attention when he, Harry, and Charles jet off on holiday to western Canada. After making some official appearances and visits in Vancouver, the family retires to a ski resort in Whistler for a more relaxed few days. Wills is unhappy to have to pose for a press photo call on the slopes too and makes it clear to his father he hates all attention.

Tony Blair standing behind a podium
Episode 6

NATO Allies Launch an Offensive Against Serb Military Targets

March 24, 1999: In response to human rights abuses that are being perpetrated against the ethnic Albanian population in Kosovo, NATO forces initiate an air war against Serbia. Tony Blair — whose popularity has been on the rise since Diana’s death — is one of the strongest proponents of the offensive, emphasizing the humanitarian necessity of intervention. The bombing lasts 78 days, ending on 10 June after the Yugoslav government agrees to withdraw. Blair’s actions give Britain increased authority on the world stage, and his popularity levels at home soar. At the 2001 general election, Labour is reelected in a landslide victory.

Prince William Turns 18 Years Old
Episode 7

Prince William Turns 18 Years Old

June 21, 2000: Soon after his birthday, William sits his A-level exams at Eton, earning an A in geography, a B in history of art, and a C in biology. He applies to the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and is accepted to study history of art but decides to take a gap year before continuing his studies. He spends most of August 2000 to June 2001 abroad, volunteering with a Raleigh International expedition in Chile and traveling around Africa, among other places.

William and Kate in front of University of St. Andrews

William Starts His Degree at the University of St. Andrews and Meets a Girl Named Kate 

September 2001: Starting at uni is a crazy time for anyone, but even more so if you’re a royal. William receives a lot of attention as he arrives on campus, but he meets a fellow student by the name of Kate Middleton who’s also studying art history. They share lecture notes and get to know one another, but both date other people initially. It’s still an overwhelming time for William, and by Christmas he’s contemplating whether he should continue at St. Andrews. Ultimately, he decides to persevere with his classes but switches to studying geography.

Princess Margaret smoking a cigarette next to a pool.
Episode 8

Princess Margaret Dies at Age 71

Feb. 9, 2002: Between February 1998 and March 2001, Margaret suffers multiple strokes. The first is reasonably mild and occurs when she’s on vacation in Mustique in 1998. After a short stay in a hospital in Barbados, she flies home two days later for further tests, rest, and rehab. Margaret makes some lifestyle changes and a slow recovery. A year later, the princess is back in Mustique and having a bath when she scalds her feet in hot water. Unable to walk due to her burnt soles, she returns to the UK in a wheelchair. Despite enjoying a glitzy 70th birthday party at the Ritz in October 2000, her recovery is short-lived. The princess endures a second confirmed stroke in January 2001 and then a third in March 2001. Margaret’s fourth and final stroke takes place two days before her death on Feb. 9, 2002. She’s the first senior royal to be cremated since the Middle Ages, making that choice because there wasn’t enough space for a coffin, and this meant she could be buried alongside her father (and her mother and sister in the future).

Young Elizabeth and Margaret standing next to one another 


Elizabeth and Margaret really did have an end-of-war night out. More than 50 years before Margot’s big birthday bash at the Ritz, a 19-year-old Elizabeth and a 15-year-old Margaret attended the same venue for a night of dancing to celebrate the end of the war on VE Day in 1945. 

Episode 9

Kate Turns Heads During a Charity Fashion Show

March 27, 2002: During a nonprofit event at St. Andrew’s University, Kate dons a sheer slip dress designed by a fellow student and struts her stuff on the catwalk, making quite the impression on a smitten William. Romance begins to blossom between the pair, and five months later the prince moves into a house on Hope Street with three other roommates — one of whom is Kate.

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Dies

March 30, 2002: At the impressive age of 101, the queen mother dies peacefully in her sleep at Royal Lodge, Windsor. Her death sets Operation Tay Bridge in motion, a plan detailing procedures pertaining to her funeral, which takes place at Westminster Abbey on April 9.

The Queen Celebrates Her Golden Jubilee

June 1–4, 2002: Elizabeth enjoys a weekend of jubilee celebrations, marking 50 years on the throne. On the final day of festivities, the queen travels in the ornate Gold State Coach from Buckingham Palace to St. Paul’s for a jubilee service, followed by a Guildhall luncheon, during which Blair tells her, “Deference may be inherited but affection is earned, and the affection this country feels for you is real.” After lunch, the royal family wave to the crowds from the palace balcony, with William joining the family for the photo op — much to the adoring crowd’s pleasure. 

A binder with Operation Paget plans

Operation Paget Is Launched

Jan. 6, 2004: A police inquiry is launched into the cause of Princess Diana and Dodi’s deaths. As part of the investigation, Charles is questioned at Clarence House for several hours about events leading up to his ex-wife’s death. The results are published in 2006 and include the findings that Diana was not pregnant at the time of her death and that the driver, Henri Paul, was more than twice over the legal drink-drive limit. The inquiry finds that the British establishment is not responsible for the deaths of Diana and Dodi. Mohamed al-Fayed calls the royals a “dracula family” in the press. 

Episode 10

Prince Harry Makes a Major Faux Pas

Jan. 7, 2005: Prince Harry and Prince William attend a “native and colonial” themed costume party to which Harry decides to dress in an Afrika Korps costume with a swastika armband. Of course, a partygoer snaps a pic of the prince on his phone, and soon images of Prince Harry wearing a swastika on his arm are slapped across the front pages of the papers, causing major embarrassment for the royals two weeks before Holocaust Memorial Day. Clarence House issues an apology on behalf of the 20-year-old prince, saying: “I am very sorry if I have caused any offense or embarrassment to anyone. It was a poor choice of costume.” As punishment, Harry is sent to Home Farm to muck out pigs for the rest of the month.

Charles and Camilla Marry at the Windsor Guildhall

Charles and Camilla Marry at the Windsor Guildhall

After Charles asks for the queen’s blessing to marry Camilla, Elizabeth meets with the Lord Bishops, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Bishop of Salisbury to seek advice. She grants Charles his wish to wed, and, decades later than he would’ve hoped, it’s royal wedding bells once more for Charles! The longtime lovers marry in a civil ceremony at Windsor Guildhall. Though the queen doesn’t attend the ceremony, she does go to the church blessing that follows at St. George’s Chapel and hosts the buffet reception at Windsor Castle’s State Apartments. Elizabeth even makes a toast to the newlyweds, joking that announcing the winner of the Grand National is actually  the important news of the day. Winners all round. 

On Set: Filming Charles and Camilla’s wedding required the most cast present on set of any day of the entire production. Twenty cast members were there for one scene, alongside 450 supporting artists. 

Words by Bill Keith and Ruthie Kinane.

“Abdication of King Edward VIII” (Season 1): Illustrations by Cristiana Couceiro; Motion Design by Kevin Donahue; Source Images: Hulton Archive/Getty Images, Alex Bailey/Netflix.

“A (very brief) overview of Thatcherism” (Season 4): Illustrations by Cristiana Couceiro; Motion Design by Kevin Donahue. Source Images: Des Willie/Netflix, Sophie Mutevelian/Netflix.

Season 1: E1: Robert Viglasky/Netflix; E3: Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images; E6, E8: Alex Bailey/Netflix; E9: Steve Taylor/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, Alex Bailey/Netflix; E10: Robert Viglasky/Netflix. Season 2: E3: Steve Taylor/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, Alex Bailey/Netflix, Robert Viglasky/Netflix; E8: Alex Bailey/Netflix; E10: Steve Taylor/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, Robert Viglasky/Netflix, Sophie Mutevelian/Netflix. Season 3: E1, E2, E3, E9: Des Willie/Netflix; E5: Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images; Bulletin: Sophie Mutevelian/Netflix. Season 4: E1: Steve Taylor/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, Des Willie/Netflix, Sophie Mutevelian/Netflix; E2: Sophie Mutevelian/Netflix; Bulletin: Des Willie/Netflix, Ollie Upton/Netflix; E6: Alex Bailey/Netflix; E8: Liam Daniel/Netflix, Mark Mainz/Netflix; E10: Cci/Shutterstock, Des Willie/Netflix. Season 5: E1: Steve Taylor/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, Des Willie/Netflix; E4, E5, E7, E8, E9, E10: Keith Bernstein/Netflix. Season 6, Part 1: E1: Frédéric REGLAIN/William STEVENS/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images, Daniel Escale/Netflix; E2: Daniel Escale/Netflix, Keith Bernstein/Netflix. Season 6, Part 2: E7: DeAgostini/Getty Images; E10: Justin Downing/Netflix.

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