Texas wildfires: 500 structures destroyed, governor says

The Smokehouse Creek Fire is already the biggest in Texas history and has spread into Oklahoma.


What to know about Texas wildfires

  • Wildfires in Texas have destroyed as many as 500 homes and structures, Gov. Greg Abbott said today. He warned that the number could grow.
  • The Smokehouse Creek Fire, covering an area larger than Rhode Island, is the biggest in Texas history.
  • The fire covers more than 1 million acres, or 1,600 square miles, and is 15% contained, according to the Texas A&M Forest Service, and covers tens of thousands of acres in Oklahoma.
  • Two people have been confirmed dead. Former substitute teacher Joyce Blankenship, 83, was found dead at her home, family members said. Cindy Owens, believed to be in her 40s, from Amarillo, died yesterday, two days after she got out of her truck in Canadian and the fire "overtook her," officials said.
  • There are three other active wildfires and the National Weather Service warns that heat and high winds are likely to cause "critical fire weather conditions again" over the weekend.
  • NBC News' Morgan Chesky and Guad Venegas are reporting from the region.
20w ago / 4:02 PM EST

Texans warned to 'remain very vigilant' with the return of fire weather conditions

Critical fire weather conditions are expected to return tomorrow in the Texas Panhandle, according to the National Weather Service, and officials are warning residents to “remain very vigilant” to prevent new fires from starting.

“Everybody needs to understand that we face enormous potential fire dangers as we head into this weekend. No one can let down their guard. Everyone must remain very vigilant,” Gov. Greg Abbott said this afternoon.

“Please do not get wrapped around the axle on containment percentages,” Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd urged. “I do not want that to lead you to a false sense of security. As far as fire weather through this weekend, it is going to be a very active weekend.”

The abundance of dry grass coupled with high temperatures, strong wind gusts and low humidity create an environment susceptible to fires, officials warned, adding that Texans should refrain from participating in outdoor activities that may cause sparks or flames.

“Over 90% of wildfires are human-caused. We’ve got to get the message out; no new starts,” Kidd said. “We do not want to divert resources from our existing fires onto a new start fire.”

20w ago / 3:23 PM EST

At least 400 structures destroyed in Texas wildfires, Gov. Abbott says

Hundreds of homes and structures have been destroyed by the Texas wildfires this week, Gov. Greg Abbott said this afternoon.

“Some early, and I will categorize as premature, assessments show that there are about 400 to 500 structures that have been destroyed,” he said, adding that the number could grow.

"When you look at the damages that have occurred here, it’s just gone. Completely gone. Nothing left but ashes on the ground," Abbott said during the news conference in Borger, Texas.

"Those who are affected by this have gone through utter devastation. They are going through challenges that others cannot comprehend. They need our ongoing support, our ongoing assistance and our ongoing prayers.”

20w ago / 3:09 PM EST

Expect thousands of cattle deaths from fire, Agriculture commissioner warns

The Associated Press

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller estimated the cattle deaths would be in the thousands, with more likely to come.

“There’ll be cattle that we’ll have to euthanize,” Miller said. “They’ll have burned hooves, burned udders.”

Miller said individual ranchers could suffer devastating losses. But he predicted the overall impact on the Texas cattle industry and on consumer prices for beef would be minimal.

20w ago / 2:22 PM EST

Video captures wildfire burning in Texas Panhandle

The Texarkana Fire Department has shared a video taken in the last few days showing huge flames and billowing smoke in the Texas Panhandle region. 

Texarkana, located right across the Arkansas border, deployed firefighters to Hutchinson County earlier this week to assist in wildfire containment. 

20w ago / 1:32 PM EST

Wildfires cause 'heart-wrenching devastation' in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry shared photos of the "heart-wrenching devastation" left behind in Oklahoma from wildfires earlier this week.

20w ago / 12:28 PM EST

Fire Weather Watch in western Oklahoma this weekend as firefighters continue to contain wildfires

Firefighters improved containment on “significant fires” in western Oklahoma yesterday by leveraging precipitation and increased moisture, according to the Oklahoma Forestry Services Facebook post.

The highest fire danger indices today will develop in the Oklahoma Panhandle region. Firefighters continue to work on the uncontained large fires from earlier in the week, focusing on areas where heat-retaining vegetation is present near current control lines on the north and east flanks of the fires.

A Fire Weather Watch is in effect for areas of western and northwestern Oklahoma for Saturday and Sunday, as high temperatures, strong southwest winds and low humidity increase the potential for large fire occurrences, the Oklahoma Forestry Service report stated.

20w ago / 11:27 AM EST

Smokehouse Creek Fire 15% contained

The Smokehouse Creek Fire is 15% contained this morning. The Texas A&M Forest Service announced the 10% increase two hours after it said the fire was only 5% contained. The fire is still an estimated 1,075,000 acres in size.

20w ago / 11:01 AM EST

Smokehouse Creek Fire 5% contained as of this morning

The Smokehouse Creek Fire in Hutchinson County, Texas, is 5% contained as of this morning, according to the Texas A&M Forest Service.

The wildfire, which was 3% contained yesterday, received some precipitation and has not grown past the 1,075,000 burned acres already accounted for. Crews are focused on eliminating the northern edge of the Smokehouse Creek Fire and areas surrounding structures.

20w ago / 10:16 AM EST

The Smokehouse Creek Fire is bigger than the top 20 California wildfires in the last 90 years

Patrick SmithPatrick Smith is a London-based editor and reporter for NBC News Digital.

At 1.07 million acres, or 1,671 square miles, the Creekhouse Fire currently covering large parts of the Texas Panhandle and a portion of Oklahoma isn't just big, it's historically big.

The fire is larger that the top 20 biggest wildfires in California, according to statistics from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

That makes it bigger by surface area that the August Complex Fire in August 2020 that was caused by lightning strikes in the Mendocino National Forest, and reached 1.03 million acres.

The department's data goes back to 1932 and it admits there were bigger fires before this date — but in the modern era very little, if anything, can match the fire burning in Texas.

20w ago / 9:23 AM EST

Critical fire weather to return from midday tomorrow

Patrick SmithPatrick Smith is a London-based editor and reporter for NBC News Digital.

Critical fire weather conditions are expected to return from midday tomorrow and once again after sunrise Sunday, the National Weather Service office in Amarillo said. This includes very dry, hot winds of up to 40 mph.

"Please refrain entirely from outdoor activities that generate sparks or flames," the service said in a post on X this morning.