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Cloud representing innovation and forward-thinking, aligned with NatureNurture's vision for far-future jobs
Colorful cloud raining, aligning with NatureNurture's vision of Far Future Jobs for global climate control

World- saving 

Tablet monitoring weather sensors in field highlighting NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative in Weather Control careers


Bar chart highlighting post-graduate opportunities within NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative

Weather Controllers

As there is a growing increase in global emission output annually, droughts and natural disasters will become more commonplace. Technology will be required to help control and maintain weather cycles. There will be a need for people who specialise in maintaining artificial weather stimulants.


Attention to Details


Time Management

Sunny landscape reflecting NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in weather control for sustainable environments
Burning Earth, reflecting NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs focus on reversing climate change for a sustainable future

World- saving 

Post- Grad

Bar chart highlighting post-graduate opportunities within NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative

Climate Change Reversal Specialist

A new type of engineer-scientist will emerge with the ability to 
rebuild ecosystems around the planet, such as rainforests and 
ocean beds, in order to heal the damage done by climate change.

Robotic figure with Earth embedded in its head symbolizing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in Climate Change Reversal careers
Earth with forests, symbolizing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in climate change reversal for a greener planet




Colorful gears symbolizing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative, emphasizing simplicity in complex engineering


Higher Education

Bar chart highlighting post-graduate opportunities within NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative
Smiling woman in a hard hat, representing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in Simplicity Engineering careers

Simplicity Engineer

With the creation of mountains of new data - we are producing too much information that humans can make sense of - a simplicity engineer would streamline and reduce this data in order to achieve business goals.

Vibrant skyscrapers representing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs focus on simplifying complex engineering challenges

Logical Thinking


Attention to Details


Puzzle pieces symbolize NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs, focusing on seamless human-machine integration for global innovation


Post- Grad

Bar chart representing higher education pathways in NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative

Human-Machine Integration Specialist

There is significant interest in brain-controlled cybernetic prostheses, which can help amputees with their daily activities. Experts will be needed to connect synthetic parts to neural tissue, giving rise to a new profession in the process.

Connecting AI and human brain puzzle pieces, symbolizing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in Human-Machine Integration
Robotic hand represents NatureNurture's vision of Far Future Jobs, by human-machine integration for advanced innovation


Logical Thinking

Computer skills


Cyborg profile embodies NatureNurture Far Future Jobs vision focusing on human cybernetics creation for enhanced capabilities


Post- Grad

Bar chart representing higher education pathways in NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative
AI robot interacting with digital interfaces, symbolizing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in Human Cybernetics Creation

Human Cybernetics Creator

Forget wearable tech. The pioneers of our "post-human" future will be implanting technology into their bodies and brains. Innovators will need to perfect the creation of these cyber-components.


Communication Skills


Space Knowledge

Humanoid represents NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs focus on advancing human cybernetics for future innovation and capability
Earth surrounded by debris highlights NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in space junk recycling for a cleaner orbit


Spaceship, symbolizing outerspace career opportunities, highlighting NatureNurture's focus on far future careers

Higher Education

Bar chart representing higher education pathways in NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative

Space Junk Recycler

People with this role will have to identify the orbital locations of where junk is greatest in the atmosphere surrounding Earth. They will then develop cost-effective methods to remove it from orbit.

Astronaut collecting space debris, highlighting the role of NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in Space Junk Recycling


Space Knowledge


City-covered planet emphasize NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs focus on space junk recycling for sustainable space environment
Futuristic space station represents NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in space tourism operations and innovation


Spaceship, symbolizing outerspace career opportunities, highlighting NatureNurture's focus on far future careers
Astronauts setting up a lunar base, showcasing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in Space Tourism Operations

Entry Level

Bar chart symbolizing entry-level opportunities within NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative

Space Tourism Operator

The concept of space tourism is one of the most exciting emerging features of the wider tourism industry. The Space Tourism Operator will help people choose the right space experience for them!

Rocket launching into space embodies NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs vision in space tourism and exploration


Communication Skills

Space Knowledge


Post- Grad

Bar chart representing higher education pathways in NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative
Dynamic swirl of colors reflecting NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs vision for revolutionary lightspeed travel advancements

Lightspeed Travel Scientist

After the expansion of the universe, Lightspeed is the second fastest thing known to man. With the speed of sound already conquered, there will be a need for scientists who will test the limits of Lightspeed.

Exploring interstellar portals, highlighting NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in Lightspeed Travel Science
Vibrant planetary alignment representing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs focus on pioneering lightspeed travel



Space Knowledge


Abstract black hole depiction aligning with NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs focus on black hole maintenance


Spaceship, symbolizing outerspace career opportunities, highlighting NatureNurture's focus on far future careers

Post- Grad

Bar chart representing higher education pathways in NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs initiative
Astronaut ensuring safe black hole interactions, representing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs in cosmic maintenance

Black Hole Maintainer

In the future, the issue of black holes may become more apparent. Astronauts and Space Engineers will need to use new technology in order to quell rogue black holes.

Abstract astronaut exploring, representing NatureNurture's Far Future Jobs focus on black hole maintenance


Research Skills

Space Knowledge


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