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Reply to: Little evidence that Amazonian rainforests are approaching a tipping point

The Original Article was published on 09 November 2023

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Fig. 1: Time series of the Ku-band from the VODCA product3 averaged over the Amazon basin and the AR(1) signals obtained from it (as in Fig. 2c of Boulton et al.) alongside the AR(1) signals obtained from the radar data of Tao et al.
Fig. 2: Trends in AR(1) for the Amazon region VOD data from only the AMSR-E sensor, using the same preprocessing and methods as Boulton et al.

Data availability

Data measuring VOD from AMSR-E in the X- and C-bands can be found here:


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C.A.B. ran the analysis and all authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Chris A. Boulton.

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Nature Climate Change thanks Bernardo Flores and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Boulton, C.A., Lenton, T.M. & Boers, N. Reply to: Little evidence that Amazonian rainforests are approaching a tipping point. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 1321–1323 (2023).

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