I recently took a trip to visit Walthamstow for the first time and having never been to the town before, I had no idea where was best to grab a coffee and a bite to eat. I'm indecisive at the best of times so this posed a bit of a problem.

But walking down Wood Street a nice looking café caught my eye with some striking wall art drawing me in. That spot was Dudley's. After taking a closer look I could see they put on the kind of substantive food I was after and not just sweet bites or cakes like some places, so I took the plunge and headed on in.

Met by the powerful smell of fresh coffee, at first glance the interior feels a little small, with the instruction to wait at the door to be shown in giving you more of a chance to take in this front area of the café. In doing so it took me a moment to realise there were more than just the three tables next to the front window. It was only as I was guided further into the coffee shop that I realised its star attraction was hidden at the rear of the building.

READ MORE: 'I tried the official best burger in London and they burnt my bun and left me disappointed'

With such an unmistakable exterior it's hard to miss Dudley's

Passing the impressive looking coffee making and kitchen area I was led through extra seating at the back of the house sized café and out into a spectacular decked garden area filled with mismatched chairs, benches, and sofas, as well as a scattering of foliage and quirky artefacts.

The front of the café, looking out into Wood Street is just a taste of what Dudley's has to offer

I dropped myself down on an odd looking but dreamily comfortable sofa and tried to take in the space. Looking up I realised that whilst this was an outdoor space, there was actually a retractable canvas roof that could be drawn over the entire space, turning it from a sunbathed summer garden to a more intimate spot, shielded from the weather.

Fortunately the rain on the day I visited, though threatening, never came and I even enjoyed a few spells of glorious sunshine as I reclined on that sofa, the rays occasionally dancing off the glass of the multiple disco balls within a cabinet of trinkets decorating the decking. Those disco balls sharing the space with a Henry hoover, old garage signs, and even some antique Kellogg's branded milk bottles.

The quirky outdoor area is full of interesting junk

This all kept my eyes wandering as I waited for my latte. Normally I'd take a simple tea if I'm having a hot drink, but feeling particularly drained I decided to go for something a bit stiffer. At £3 the coffee was fairly average in terms of price, coming in a fancy glass cup without any handle, a risky business if you don't get the temperature just right.

Full of greenery and featuring a retractable roof it's a wonderfully cosy space

But happily not only was the temperature right, it was perfect, and the coffee tasted great. The only drawback was that the pretty cup wasn't particularly generous in size, making that £3 feel a little more steep than it might have.

The coffee was great, and looked the part, but there wasn't much of it

Dudley's describes itself as a "neighbourhood café/restaurant" and that neighbourly feel definitely shines through in the staff who were particularly friendly, after reeling off some of the other most popular brunch options they serve - including everything from breakfast buns to Shakshouka - I was told the Dudley's three cheese toastie "is as good as anything you'll find in terms of toasties".

As someone unable to resist anything with that much melted cheese I was sold and ordered myself one for £7.50. Again this wasn't cheap by any means if we're being honest, only really justifiable if you're looking to treat yourself and when the toastie came out to me it wasn't anything special in terms of size.

Who could say no to that?

The disappointment ended there though, with the gooey three cheese mix sandwiched between two perfectly grilled slices of crunchy yet bouncy sourdough. I barely took a breath between bites as I worked my way through the thing, a smear of sharp mustard garnishing the plate providing the ideal dipping sauce to give the sandwich a kick.

When I finally surfaced from the delicious serving I couldn't help but crack a contented smile as I reclined once again on that bouncy sofa.

This was far and away the best cheese toastie I'd ever had

I hadn't been in Walthamstow long, but I'd found my new favourite spot there. I'd been looking for a cosy spot to grab a sit-down and a bite to eat, but what I'd stumbled across in Dudley's was something special.

Whilst it might not be somewhere you'll be eating at every week, if you fancy a coffee in the sun or treating someone to a proper brunch, I'm not sure you could do much better.

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Dan Wiggins

MyLondon Trending Reporter interested in TV and film, lifestyle, human interest stories, news and more.

I spoke to Nichole about how an Adele gig saved her life this year, you can read the incredible story here.

I spoke to Ukrainian Londoner Tatiana about her fundraising efforts as her family remains caught up in the war.

Feeling peckish and want to try somewhere new? Read my review of the best toastie I've ever had.

If you have a story or something you think is worth looking into, get in touch at [email protected].