Memorial for Felisidad P Quinones, 78

Born: 02/25/1911
Passed: 07/08/1989
San Jose, CA

We regret to say that Felisidad Quinones passed away on 07/08/1989 and was 78 at the time. Previously, Felisidad Quinones had lived in San Jose, CA. Sometimes Felisidad had gone by various nicknames including Felisidad P Quinonos and Felisidad P Quinones. Other family members and associates included Evelyn Dugan, Jusuf Isakovic, Ardijana Zagovic, Anastasia Russell and Joseph Rocha.  

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20 Neighbors

Evelyn Dugan
Evelyn Dugan

San Jose, CA

Jusuf Isakovic
Jusuf Isakovic

San Jose, CA

Ardijana Zagovic
Ardijana Zagovic

San Jose, CA

Anastasia Russell
Anastasia Russell

San Jose, CA

Joseph Rocha
Joseph Rocha

San Jose, CA

Dolores Barile
Dolores Barile

San Jose, CA

Jessie Rocha
Jessie Rocha

San Jose, CA

Nedzad Zagovic
Nedzad Zagovic

San Jose, CA

Maria Chavez
Maria Chavez

San Jose, CA

James Dahlen
James Dahlen

San Jose, CA

Alessandra Barile
Alessandra Barile

San Jose, CA

Richard Espinoza
Richard Espinoza

San Jose, CA

Charles Waelti
Charles Waelti

San Jose, CA

Weiping Zhou
Weiping Zhou

San Jose, CA

Paul Hernandez
Paul Hernandez

San Jose, CA

Alma Guillen
Alma Guillen

San Jose, CA

Sergio Guillen
Sergio Guillen

San Jose, CA

Mei Lee
Mei Lee

San Jose, CA

Sylvia Espinoza
Sylvia Espinoza

San Jose, CA

Richard Elliott
Richard Elliott

San Jose, CA

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