The Software Development Observability Platform

Connect code, tickets, and more for total software development visibility.
Ticket Dev Time
Bug/Incident Interruptions
Ticket → Deploy Cycle Time
Context Switching
Tech Debt

Story Points Don’t Tell the Whole Story

Monitoring tools like Jira or GitHub reports have major blind spots. Getting answers can be like debugging with print statements. 🤬
Observability offers a holistic view of your data to answer real questions. 😀
“Why is the project behind schedule?”
“How much overhead did we have from interruptions?”
“What did developers actually work on?”

Report Templates for Everyone

Start-up, enterprise, cost capitalization, sprint retrospectives, tabs or spaces.
With minware’s template library, you can see reports other leaders like you use to manage their teams, and fully customize them for your organization.

The Power of SQL & BI, Point-and-Click

Create custom reports in minutes with the power of a data warehouse and BI tool — no code required.
Access any field from any data source in one view, including tickets, pull requests, code reviews, and more.

Set Goals and Track Benchmarks

Set goals and track progress toward predictable software delivery with minware’s library of scorecard metrics.
Measure code and ticket best practices like using pull requests, thorough code reviews, linking branches to tickets, and more.

How Does It Work?

Data Quality
Code/Ticket Linking
Change History
Work Timeline
Observability Platform
Report Library
Custom Reports
Scorecard Metrics

Clean, Full-Time-Series Data

minware does all the hard work for you — loading data, tracing commit graphs, and linking code/tickets to build a full-time-series data set, so you can view your data at any point in the past, and see how each person spent their time with auditable precision.Learn more about minware’s patent-pending time model >Read about cost capitalization with minware >

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