Library Resources Research Guide
Welcome to the Library Resources Research Guide. This guide is to assist students with all the library resources that are available through Luther Library.
This Research Guide will provide information on interlibrary loans, library collections, open educational resources, and textbook purchasing options.
If you have questions or would like assistance with your research, please contact the Head Librarian at [email protected].
Students may request items from other libraries free of charge. Items can be requested from the Library Catalog, the Interlibrary Loan Google Form, or by emailing the Library Director. Please note that we may not be able to get an item for you. The library will not accept textbook requests. If it is a physical item that is requested (book, DVD) it can take 2-3 weeks to arrive. If it is a digital item (journal article) it should take 2-3 days. The Library Director will be in contact with the student regarding the status of the requested item.
Fiction, Nonfiction, Juvenile, Music Scores, and Closed Reserve
Fiction and Nonfiction
Closed Reserve:
Located behind the Circulation Desk. Faculty may place class resources (textbooks, books, DVDs, articles) for students to utilize. Closed Reserve items can only be checked out for 3 hours and must stay in the library. Not all classes provide items to Closed Reserve.
Search the Luther Library Catalog
Browse free, open access textbook for supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks for supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks, videos, interactive materials, simulations, and other supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks and courseware for supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks and courseware for supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks for supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks for supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks, courseware, audiobooks, podcasts, simulations, and other supplemental materials for classes.
Browse free, open access textbooks, course materials, multimedia and other supplemental materials for classes.
View a slideshow about plagiarism, how to avoid it, examples of plagiarism, helpful citation tips, and practice slides.
This Plagiarism Tutorial is from the University of Southern Mississippi. Take the Pre-Tutorial Quiz to test your knowledge and then complete the tutorial to gain a better understanding of what plagiarism is.
Please fill out this Purchase Request Google Form if there is an item you would like to see added to the Library collection. We will not accept textbooks.
Subscribe to Cengage Unlimited eTextbooks or Cengage Unlimited to save money on your textbooks if you have classes that use multiple Cengage books.
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Purchase or rent physical textbooks or eTextbooks from Amazon
Purchase eTextbooks from RedShelf
Find cheaper rates for your physical textbooks from Better World Books
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Shop textbooks and other options from Alibris
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