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The Michelin Shareholders’ Committee

Since 2003, Michelin has had a Shareholders' Consultative Committee composed of individual and employee shareholders. The role of this committee is to contribute through its reflections to the improvement of communication with individual and employee shareholders. 


The Group's aim is to increasingly involve individual and employee shareholders in the Company's capital. 
They currently represent 10.5% and 2% of the capital respectively. In 2020, Michelin decided to overhaul its shareholder committee, opting for a more streamlined format and integrating a greater diversity of profiles and experience.  Michelin has more than 240,000 individual shareholders, including 71,000 employees.

Our newly renewed Committee currently consists of 9 members, including 3 women and 6 men.

The members are divided up as follows :

  • 4 individual shareholders: Catherine Michon, Christophe Combelle, Laurent Delafontaine, and Philippe Jeunet

  • 5 employee shareholders: Bartha Bensemaine, Myriam Vassaux, Abdelhammid Gherras, Vianney Leroy and Fabien Marlin.

They began their mandate on March 14 at a meeting with former members and in the presence of Mr. Yves Chapot, General Manager and Group Chief Financial Officer.


  • Adrien de Paredes - Maintenance Agent 
    « My arrival at Michelin is recent and I want to invest in the Company while enriching my vision of the Group and the people who make it up. » 
  • Anthony CATHONNET - Technical sales executive 
     « I wanted to join this committee in order to participate in the development of a company with which I have a strong attachment and to expand my knowledge of the world of shareholding as well as the functioning of an industrial company with worldwide influence. » 
  • Carine KATZENFORT – POTY - Benefits Specialist 
    « Joining the Shareholders' Committee, as a Michelin employee, is a real opportunity for me to contribute to better communication with all the Group's individual shareholders. » 
  • Emmanuel ZANCA - Bank Branch Manager  
     « Joining this committee is an opportunity for me to contribute to the project of an international group with strong values, notably respect for people and the continuous search for operational excellence. » 
  • Thérèse BONNET - English teacher (American nationality) 
    « I am happy to participate in strengthening the links between this flagship company in my adopted region and its shareholders. » 
  • Nicolas MORIN - Competition tyre developer and  motorbike test driver 

    « I wanted to join the Committee to contribute to the quality of relations between individual and employee shareholders » 


Its mission is to actively contribute, through its opinions and proposals, to the development of the communication system for the Michelin group's individual and employee shareholders, particularly on subjects relating to communication tools and documents, the preparation of the Group's General Meetings and, where applicable, the preparation of meetings with shareholders in France.

Meeting of November 16, 2023

The members of the Michelin’s Shareholders’ Committee have gathered for their last annual event. They attended several interventions around the three areas “People, Profit and Planet.”

We shared with them the latest Group news through our 3rd quarter results, the increase in our individual and employee shareholder base (240,000 by 10/31/2023) and Michelin's participation in the “Investir Day” trade show in Paris.

Sophie de Villepin, Michelin’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager presented the Group's initiatives in various fields. She particularly shared the initiatives taken for the integration of refugees in France, with the HOPE program "Hébergement, Orientation et Parcours pour l'Emploi " (Accommodation, Orientation and Career Paths), a scheme enabling people with refugee status to integrate sustainably into employment in France.

The meeting then continued with a focus on the environmental impact of our activities. Sophie Lesage, Group's Societal and Environmental Domain Manager, presented the steering of "Planet" ambitions in the Group's various entities, the leadership of environmental governance and relations with the 5 operational committees: climate change, biodiversity, water, pollution, circular economy.

CAM members will meet again for their last meeting in March 2024, when they will hand over their mandates to the new members.

The Individual and Employee Shareholder Relations team would like to thanks our Shareholders' Committee for their involvement in the development of shareholder communications, their availability and their enthusiasm over the past three years.


The term of office of the members of the Committee is two years, not renewable. 

Each individual shareholder and employee has the possibility to apply throughout the year to join the Shareholders' Committee at the end of the current term. 

To do so, please send a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation to [email protected] 

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Past Events
  • July 24, 2024

    First-Half Results

  • May 28, 2024

    Capital Markets Day

  • May 17, 2024

    2024 Annual General Meeting

See All Events