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“You remain a skeptic,” the Queen of Diamonds scolded Alice as the Mad Hatter’s game went on. “You doubt my wisdom that losing a trick can be better than winning one.”

“That is hard to accept, your majesty,” Alice sighed.

“You and my cousin the Queen of Hearts,” the Queen of Diamonds said. “She can’t abide the idea of her card being captured.”

When Alice played at four spades, West, the Hatter, led a club: jack, ace, four. The Dormouse, East, returned a club to dummy’s king.


Alice saw that she could draw trumps and finesse in diamonds, winning 10 tricks if West had the king. But if East had it, the defense would take a club and a heart for down one.

So, giving the Queen of Diamonds a nod, Alice led the queen of diamonds from dummy. The Dormouse won but couldn’t beat the contract. He led a trump, but Alice drew trumps and took the A-J of diamonds to pitch a heart. She lost two clubs and a diamond.

“Starting to see what I mean?” the Queen of Diamonds asked.


You hold: S 6 4 H K Q 8 6 D K 8 3 C A 10 8 3. The dealer, at your left, opens two spades, a weak two-bid. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Since partner’s double obliges you to bid at the three level, he promises a hand worth at least 16 points. You certainly have a game and may have a slam if he has a stronger hand. Cue-bid three spades to show strength and start a search for your best contract.

North dealer

N-S vulnerable


S 3

H J 10 9 5 3 2

D A Q J 4



S 7 5 2

H A 7

D 10 9 7 6

C Q 9 6 2


S 6 4

H K Q 8 6

D K 8 3

C A 10 8 3


S A K Q J 10 9 8

H 4

D 5 2

C 7 5 4

North East South West
1 H Pass 1 S Pass
2 D Pass 4 S All Pass
Opening lead — C 2

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