Letture/Web/Miglioramende a l'inderfacce desktop
Miglioramende a l'inderfacce desktop
'Na serie de funziune nuève e reorganizzazziune pu teme Vector
Onne passate 12 anne da quanne avène destribbuite 'u teme predefinite de Uiccimedie de osce a die (Vector). Jndr'à l'urteme decennie l'inderfacce ha state arricchisciute cu estenziune, gadget e Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Interface/JavaScript#Personal scripts script de le utinde. 'A maggiorparte de chiste non g'ere coordinate visivamende o 'mbrà le uicchi. Jndr'à 'u stesse tiembe, 'u design d'u web e le aspettative de le letture e de le utinde onne cangiate. Penzame ca ave arrevate 'u mumende de pigghie quacchedune de ste idee e carresciarle jndr'à l'esperienze predefinite de tutte le utinde, sus a tutte le uicchi, jndr'à 'nu mode organizzate e coerende.
Between 2019 and 2023, we were building a new skin. L'obbiettive nuèstre jè quidde de fà le uicchi Uicchimedie cchiù accogliende e ausabbele pe le letture, stepanne 'a lore utilità pe le condrebbuture esistende. Mesurame l'aumende d'a fiduce e d'u sendimende positive respette a le nostre site e a' lore performance (p.e. l'ause de struminde comune cumme 'a barre de recerche e le collegamiende inderlènghe).
In 2022, the new skin became ready to be the default. Since then, we are introducing it on more and more wikis. Ultimately, we need to have one skin as the default everywhere. This is because keeping two as the default indefinitely is impossible.
Qual è l'obbiettive nuèstre?
Immaggine 'nu uardarobbe
Vulesseme reorganizzà 'nu picche 'a vote quiste...
... jndr'à quiste :)
Mò, l'inderfacce...
...non ge corresponne a le aspettative. ...jè disordinate e manghe induitive. ...non ge mette in evidene l'aspette comunitarie. ...non g'è coerende cu 'a versione mobbile.
- L'inderfacce desktop, non ge corresponne a le aspettative ccrejate da le piattaforme web moderne. Ce se sende disoriendate e disconnesse. Le collegamiende de navigazzione e 'nderfacce sò organizzate a uecchije.
- Readers were unable to understand the purpose, terminology, and concepts of available tools such as the main menu, user menu, and page tools.
- Editors found the hierarchy of the navigation to be confusing for newcomers.
- Editors and other contributors wanted easier access to tools they used frequently.
- Editors expressed interest in having fewer, but more prominent, ways to begin contributing.
- Stu casine non ge face congendrà le utinde sus a quidde ca avèrene a ffà. Jè comblecate pe le letture congendrarse sus a 'u condenute. Pe lore non g'è possibbele cangià lènghe jndr'à 'nu mode induitive, cercà condenute o cangià le 'mbostaziune de letture. Le condrebbuture nuève non ge sò in grade de ausà 'a lore 'nduizione pe 'mbostà 'u probbie cunde, aprì l'editor o 'mbarà a ausà le pàggene ca non ge sò vôsce pa moderazione.
- Too much information density and navigational elements on the page made it difficult to focus on a particular reading or editing task.
- Readers found it difficult to navigate the page and spent a lot of time scrolling.
- Readers found it difficult to search for information that is relevant to them.
- Multilingual readers were not aware of language switching functionality.
- Readers wanted to have an easy way to view the table of contents throughout the page.
- Character count per line was more than three times the recommended value.
- Sulamende 'na percenduale piccenna piccenne de letture capisce cumme funzionane le uicchi de Uicchimedie. 'Nu sbuènne de letture non ge sò consapevole ca 'u condenute ca stonne a leggere jè scritte da volondarie e aggiornate assaije vote, o ca pure lore ponne condrebbuì.
- 'A distanza granne 'mbrà le esperienze su l'inderfaccia desktop nostre, sus a le app e sus a 'u web mobile face addevendà comblecate pe le letture nuèstre collegà le prodotte. Manghe 'n'aunità congettuale 'mbrà le site Uicchimedie.
Accumme avènene fatte le cangiamiende
Non ge tuccame 'u condenute. Non ge tuccame otre teme a parte Vector. Non ge luame nisciuna funzione. Non ge facime cangiamiende granne jndr'à 'nu passagge sulamende.
- Ste fatiame sulamende sus a l'inderfacce. Non g'avene fatte nisciuna fatìe in termine de modelle de stile, strutture de le condenute d'a pàgene, supporte de le mappe o modelle 'mbrà le uicchi.
- Le teme diverse da Vector non ge trasene jndr'à ste cangiamiende. Avime cristallizzate Vector cumme Legacy Vector e amme accumenzate a distribbuì le funziune nuèstre cumme parte d'u Vector nuève de base.
- Le elemiende de l'inderfacce ponne spustarse, ma tutte le elemiende de navigazzione e le otre funziune ca sò disponibbele osce a die pe 'mbostazione predefinite, rumanene.
- Pure ca le cangiamiende nuèstre se 'ndrucane facile facile, ste ausame 'n'approcce evolutive e vulime ca 'u site condinue a parè famigliare a letture e condrebbuture. Ogne funzione avène descusse, sveluppate e destribbuite separatamende.
Process for developing the features
- 2019: Problem identification research with both readers and editors – We studied the way people used the site. We identified the largest usability issues as well as obstacles in becoming more engaged with reading or editing. We did this by interviewing readers and editors across multiple countries and locations. We also surveyed gadgets and user scripts. Some of them deserved to be surfaced and be a part of default experience. (See the links: Research and design: Phase 1, Research and design: Phase 2.)
- 2019–2022: Prototype development and testing – We built out the ideas for features and began showing prototypes. Each feature was tested with readers and editors through interviews and on-wiki prototype testing. We used Central Notice banners across multiple languages and Wikimedia projects. Each prototype was tested by approximately 200 editors on average. (Example)
- 2020–2023: Refining and building – We refined or changed the features based on the outcomes of the prototype testing. In some cases, we asked for additional opinions to ensure we were making the right decisions.
- 2020–2023: A/B testing and other quantitative testing on wikis – This was the "beta" phase:
- We performed tests for whether the features worked as expected based on the previously defined criteria of success. We made "before and after" comparisons or performed A/B tests. As the latter, we gave a new feature to 50% of users and compared them to the other 50%. After two weeks we compared the results.
- If we received negative results, we identified the reasons across different audiences and made changes to the feature. Then, we would test the feature again. In the case of significantly negative results, we rolled back our changes. (Example)
- Jè 'ndenziona nostre testà le miglioramende nuèstre facennene dà 'na màne da 'nu gruppe misckate de uicchi ca volondariamende accettane de essere adottande precoce, sie ca corresponnene a une de le ediziune lenguisteche de Uicchipèdie sie ca rappresendane pruggette frate.
- We also monitor usage across all wikis, where many account holders have been already using the new skin.
- 2022 – onwards: Deployments on more and more wikis – The results of testing and subsequent analysis concluded that our changes result in improved usage of the skin, and save time previously spent in scrolling, searching, and navigating. We interpret this as an easier and more comfortable reading experience. There are no negative effects to pageviews, account creation, or edit rates. Knowing this, we continue to roll out the skin on more and more wikis.
Quale funziune onna essere aggiornate
Piane de le 'mblemendaziune e tiembe
'U teme jè pronde a devendà predefinite sus a tutte le uicchi.
'a maggioranze de le uicchi | le uicchi adottande precoce |
cangiature o letture non ge 'ndrucane le cangiamiende nuèstre de base |
cangiature o letture 'ndrucane le cangiamiende nuèstre de base |
sulamende le cangiature ponne aderì (da le preferenze de l'utende, scacchianne Vector (2022) jndr'à schede Aspette) |
sulamende le cangiature ponne renungià (ausanne Passe a grafeche d'apprime jndr'à barre laterale, o direttamende da le preferenze de l'utende) |
Year | Month | Deployments |
2019 | Másce | First team discussions |
2020 | Lùglie/Agúste | The new logo , collapsible sidebar , and limited content width introduced on the first early adopter (pilot) wikis , including French Wikipedia |
Settèmmre | The new search widget is introduced | |
2021 | Sciúgne | The new language switching is introduced |
Febbráre | Deployments on more pilot wikis, including Korean, Portuguese, Serbian, and Turkish Wikipedias | |
2022 | Agúste | The new user menu is introduced |
Scennáre | The new sticky header is introduced Deployments on more pilot wikis, including Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese Wikipedias | |
Febbráre | The changes are separated out from the Vector legacy code to a new skin "Vector 2022" | |
Másce | The new table of contents is introduced | |
Sciúgne | The skin is introduced on the last pilot wikis, including Catalan and Japanese Wikipedias The first visual refinements are introduced | |
Ottòmmre | Deployments on the smallest Wikipedias | |
Novèmmre | The new full/limited-width toggle button is introduced | |
Decèmmre | Deployments on Arabic and Greek Wikipedias | |
2023 | Scennáre | Deployment on English Wikipedia |
Febbráre | The full/limited width preference becomes persistent for logged-out users | |
Màrze | The new page tools menu is introduced | |
Abbríle | Deployment on Polish Wikipedia | |
Másce | Deployment on Spanish Wikipedia | |
Agúste | Deployment on Chinese (zh) and several smaller Wikipedias | |
Ottòmmre | Deployments on Swedish, Hungarian, Dutch, Hindi, Norwegian bokmål Wikipedias Also on Meta-Wiki and most Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikiquotes and Wikiversity wikis | |
Novèmmre | Deployments on most Wikivoyages and Wiktionaries The last visual refinements (known as Zebra 9) are introduced | |
2024 | Màrze | Deployments on most Wikisources and Foundation internal wikis |
Ottòmmre | Deployments on most affiliate, committee, functionary, and ArbCom wikis, and some English sister projects | |
Novèmmre | Deployments on Italian, Kazakh, and Telugu Wikipedias, English Wiktionary and Wikivoyage, and some smaller wikis | |
Decèmmre | Deployments on Ukrainian Wikipedia, English Wikisource, and some smaller wikis |
Partecipe & Condatte
- Pruève individualmende: jndr'à Preferenze, scacchie l'opzione Vector (2022). Puè abbilità le cangiamiende nuèstre pure ausanne le Preferenze globbale.
- Pubblecezzà: 'nformà 'a comunità toje. Condivide le aggiornamiende nuèstre e le messàgge sus a 'u blog.
- Signale le errore: pe segnalà 'n'errore, ccreje 'n'attivitate sus a Phabricator e aggiunge #Desktop Improvements Vector 2022 cumme idendificative d'u pruggette.
- Traduce: danne 'na màne a traducere le pàggene collegate: