FAQ : Frequently asked questions

Answers to your questions, categorized

Why does Médiamétrie contact me ?

You may be contacted by Médiamétrie to be interviewed about your media consumption and digital leisure habits. These contacts may be made by telephone, by email referring you to an online questionnaire, or by mail.

How are interviewees chosen ?

Any individual living in France may be contacted by Médiamétrie by telephone (landline or mobile), email or mail. Individuals who have formally requested not to be interviewed (via this contact form) are excluded.

Why can I be interviewed when my number is unlisted ?

Médiamétrie uses an automated calling system that randomly dials numbers to carry out telephone surveys. Even if your landline or mobile phone number is unlisted, it can still be called.

Why can I be interviewed when I've asked you not to contact me anymore ?

If you requested not to be contacted at a specific number, Médiamétrie may still call you on another number (your mobile, or if your landline phone number starts with 09, for example). Don't hesitate to provide us with all your numbers and email addresses in your request using this contact form.

When I answer a call from Médiamétrie, why does it seem like no one is on the other end?

The call is being transferred to the interviewer during that pause. Your phone number was dialled by an automated calling system, then transferred to one of our interviewers when you picked up.

Why can I be called several times per day?

A single number may be dialled several times if the contact doesn't pick up or if the line is busy.

Why can I be called in the evenings?

To ensure our surveys are representative, we need to contact people who are away from home during the day.

Why can I be called on weekends and holidays?

Media is a continuous activity. So to ensure our surveys are representative, we need to interview people on weekends and holidays.

Who is calling me on behalf of Médiamétrie?

The interviewers speaking to you have been trained by Médiamétrie. They must follow questionnaires and methodologies specific to the study for quality reasons.

I do not wish to be called any more. What do I need to do?

If you no longer wish to be contacted by Médiamétrie and participate in our studies, you can send us your request at any time by sending an email to this address: [email protected], specifying the contact details where you no longer wish to be contacted (landline and mobile phone numbers and email addresses).

How is my personal data handled?

Médiamétrie understands the importance and sensitivity of your personal data. Protecting it is fundamental to us. We are committed to compliance with the legislation applicable to the protection of personal data (particularly the European General Data Protection Regulation, which came into force on 25 May 2018, as well as the French Data Protection law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, its future decrees and application orders.

In this context, your data is collected:

Solely with your consent: we collect no personal data without your consent.
In a proportionate way: we only collect data useful for producing our studies.
With a defined objective: each study has a well-defined objective that we take the time to explain to you when we make contact. Your data is only used to produce the study that was explained to you. So we will always ask for your consent if we would like to use your data: for another purpose or for another study, for example.
Clearly: we strive to be as clear as possible in presenting the goal of our studies, so as not to mislead you regarding the purposes for which your data will be used.
Your data is then handled:
In a secured framework to limit risk of loss, theft, unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, modification or destruction. The protective methods used allow us to anonymise and encrypt your personal data. Médiamétrie implements a strict policy for managing access rights Therefore, employees who have access to your personal data are limited in number and trained in compliance with professional ethics rules.
Confidentially: Médiamétrie does not send your personal data to third parties, including to its clients. If we need to do so, we are committed to getting your consent. Médiamétrie clients who have ordered a study will be able to access the results of the study. The results are transmitted in an aggregated and anonymous form which does not make the connection between the answers and individuals.
If unsure on the origin of a call, email or text for a survey announced as conducted by Médiamétrie, don't hesitate to contact us via the following link.

Comment vérifier que c'est bien Médiamétrie qui m'appelle ?

Vous pouvez rappeler le numéro qui s'est affiché pour vous en assurer, un collaborateur sera ravi de répondre à vos questions.