Pictured from left, Bob Cheeley (NFCID Board Member), Leslie Day-Harrell (NFCID Board Member), Pete Sewczwicz (City of Alpharetta Public Works Director), Moses Brown (NFCID Vice Chairman), Liz Hausmann (Fulton County Commissioner), Bob Ellis (Fulton County Commissioner), Jim Gilvin (Alpharetta Mayor), Al Nash (NFCID Board Member), Dan Merkel (Alpharetta City Council Member), Kerry Armstrong (NFCID, Chairman), David Cassell (State Road & Tollway Authority) and Sen. Brandon Beach (NFCID Executive Director).
Pictured from left, Bob Cheeley (NFCID Board Member), Leslie Day-Harrell (NFCID Board Member), Pete Sewczwicz (City of Alpharetta Public Works Director), Moses Brown (NFCID Vice Chairman), Liz Hausmann (Fulton County Commissioner), Bob Ellis (Fulton County Commissioner), Jim Gilvin (Alpharetta Mayor), Al Nash (NFCID Board Member), Dan Merkel (Alpharetta City Council Member), Kerry Armstrong (NFCID, Chairman), David Cassell (State Road & Tollway Authority) and Sen. Brandon Beach (NFCID Executive Director).
Special Photo
Pictured from left, Bob Cheeley (NFCID Board Member), Leslie Day-Harrell (NFCID Board Member), Pete Sewczwicz (City of Alpharetta Public Works Director), Moses Brown (NFCID Vice Chairman), Liz Hausmann (Fulton County Commissioner), Bob Ellis (Fulton County Commissioner), Jim Gilvin (Alpharetta Mayor), Al Nash (NFCID Board Member), Dan Merkel (Alpharetta City Council Member), Kerry Armstrong (NFCID, Chairman), David Cassell (State Road & Tollway Authority) and Sen. Brandon Beach (NFCID Executive Director).
Motorists entering Windward Parkway from Ga. 400 northbound will likely see reduced congestion and improved traffic flow now that the North Fulton Community Improvement District’s latest construction project is complete.
On Nov. 17, the CID and the city of Alpharetta officially opened Windward Parkway Phase II, which added a triple-left-turn lane at this busy interchange.
The project also added a third westbound lane from the interchange to Deerfield Parkway/Westside Parkway, and a double-left turn for those traveling southbound on Westside Parkway from Windward Parkway.
According to a news release, commuters, residents and daily visitors will notice an immediate impact to the area as a result of the project’s completion.
“Windward Parkway is a heavily traveled corridor whether it’s local traffic, commerce or commuters traveling to one of Alpharetta’s many corporate headquarters,” Alpharetta Mayor Jim Gilvin said in a statement. “We are thankful to the North Fulton CID for leading this important infrastructure project, which will improve mobility in and around our city.”
Gilvin and other city leaders held a ribbon-cutting to officially open the new lanes.
“We’ve watched that stretch along Windward Parkway become more congested due to the substantial growth in the community,” Fulton County Commissioner Liz Hausmann said in a statement. “As a result, this area has become a primary artery to Georgia 400. Fulton County is proud to partner with the city of Alpharetta and the North Fulton CID in building a solution to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow for the North Fulton region.”
The first phase of the project, completed in 2011, added a right turn lane at the bottom of the Windward exit ramp as well as an eastbound lane along Windward from the off-ramp to North Point Parkway. The project is part of ongoing efforts to improve transportation flow for drivers entering Windward Parkway.
“The North Fulton CID has done an outstanding job of working with their partners to address pressing needs in and around North Fulton,” Executive Director and Board Secretary Christopher Tomlinson said in a statement. “These improvements to Windward Parkway bring much needed relief to the many drivers who travel around this area. This project exemplifies the North Fulton CID’s forward thinking and proactive approach to bringing solutions to this rapidly growing community.”
The $7.18 million project is being jointly funded by the North Fulton CID, the city of Alpharetta, Georgia Department of Transportation, State Road and Tollway Authority and Fulton County. The total investment the North Fulton CID has made is just over $1 million.
“Completing and opening the second phase of Windward Parkway is the ultimate example of what can happen when you have a dedicated and determined team working together,” Sen. Brandon Beach, R-Alpharetta, North Fulton CID Executive Director, said in a statement. “We broke ground on the second phase of Windward Parkway in April 2019, and despite a global pandemic, this team stayed the course and was able to complete the project on time. That’s a testament to everyone involved.”
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