Home M3AAWG Blog M3AAWG and Brands SIG Featured on Email’s Not Dead Podcast
Posted by the M3AAWG Content Manager


M3AAWG will make its podcast debut with the Brands SIG Chairs, Aref Zahed, Mel Plemel, and Mariska Calabrese featured on Email's Not Dead by Sinch Mailgun with Thomas Knierien and Jonathan Torres. Sharon Kent, the new M3 Co-Vice Chair, Board of Directors will kick off the  *30* minute podcast with a brief introduction into M3AAWG and some of the great work that has been done over the years, which highlights the exciting work being done with the Brand SIG. 

“We are so excited to help propagate knowledge and awareness of M3AAWG to the public and be able to help educate and provide access to documentation to support businesses to protect their brands” says Mariska Calabrese Co-chair of the Brands SIG. 

“The Brands SIG is a committee that can benefit any business that is interested in protecting their company security and image.  It’s a focused group of like minded individuals to discuss some of the challenges and solutions that brands face when protecting their online presence.” according to Melinda Plemel, vice co-chair of the Brand SIG.

“The information that is created and shared focuses on any business that maybe small now, but has the goal of growing and needs that insight in how to protect themselves when they may have limited resources or knowledge on the security eco-system.”  States Aref Zahed Co-chair, Brands SIG.

The podcast episode release, featuring M3AAWG’s inaugural appearance, also aligns with the M3AAWG 20th anniversary celebration. 

This special episode will highlight M3AAWG, the Brands SIG’s contributions to M3AAWG, and will even discuss some current industry hot topics.

The podcast aired on 6.26.24. 

Podcast is also available through Apple or directly from the Mailgun by Sinch website. Don't forget to check the Mailgun Blog.

The views expressed in DM3Z are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect M3AAWG policy.