Community Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Version 3, August 10 2018


The Linux Professional Institute was created with the mission to promote the professional use, development and teaching of open source software and technology around the world.

To that end, LPI has created a governance structure through which professionals may become Members of LPI by demonstrating technical competence and adherence to an ethical code. This document serves to define this code of ethics, with the objectives of maintaining integrity and trustworthiness through:

  • Protection of the public interest
  • Demonstration of personal integrity
  • Maintenance of confidentiality and privacy
  • Showing respect for colleagues and collaborators

The LPI community is an open, safe and inclusive space fostering sharing and collaboration regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual orientation. While disagreements are normal, we expect our Members to act appropriately in dealings not only with LPI but also  with business relationships, colleagues and the general public. We expect participants in any project or group to resolve disagreements constructively. When they cannot, matters should be escalated within established structures for resolution.

Dishonourable or questionable conduct, including conduct that may be adverse to the public interest or lacks integrity, will reflect adversely on the Member, LPI, and the open source practitioner profession. If the conduct is such that knowledge of it would be likely to impair trust in the member as a professional, then LPI will be justified in taking disciplinary action.

Members who contravene portions of this code because they believe that adherence would cause clearly-demonstrated danger to the public (eg, “whistleblowing”) will not necessarily be considered in breach for the purpose of disciplinary action. Members are encouraged to obtain legal advice in such situations.

Determination of breaches of this code and appropriate disciplinary remedies will be done on a case-by-case basis.

This Code of Conduct applies as a condition of membership but we expect everyone in our community to follow it. For more information or to report a breach, contact [email protected].

Protection of the Public Interest

Members are expected to:

  1. carry out their work with due regard for public health, public safety, human rights and the environment;
  2. support the integrity of and public trust in LPI and the open source practitioner profession;
  3. use or recommend open source software and open access publishing as appropriate;
  4. fully disclose, to relevant parties, any conflicts of interest that exist or might be seen to exist by an independent observer.

Demonstration of Personal Integrity

Members are expected to:

  1. act with good faith and honesty in their professional and collaborative interactions;
  2. inform others of any situations which might be seen to impair their professional judgment;
  3. possess sufficient technical knowledge, as well as awareness of relevant standards, regulations and legislation, in order to perform their professional tasks;
  4. respect the creative rights of others and honour patents, copyrights and trademarks.

Maintenance of Confidentiality and Privacy

Members are expected to:

  1. maintain confidentiality in professional relationships, unless explicitly waived;
  2. abstain from gossip about individuals or organizations with which the Member has professional relationships, regardless of source;
  3. respect trade secrets, privacy and terms of license or other applicable agreements; and
  4. decline work for any instance that may demand disclosure of confidential activity done elsewhere.

Showing Respect for Colleagues and Collaborators

Members are expected to:

  1. engage the LPI community and other collaborative working environments as open, safe and inclusive through courtesy and mutual respect;
  2. be thoughtful in choice of words, to be kind to others, and not to insult, attack, harass, denigrate or discriminate against others;
  3. use clear and precise ways to express the ideas they are trying to share, considering the language and cultural barriers always present given LPI’s global scope;
  4. actively seek to welcome newcomers and to mentor, promote, advise, and advance those with potential to have impact in their communities, and as part of our global community.