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World’s most popular learning management system

With solutions for K-12 schools, higher education, and workplace teams, Moodle is the most customizable and trusted LMS. Moodle’s community of open source contributors prioritize accessibility, security, and making sure that learning is possible on the go as well as on desktop. Courses can be flexibly built and catered according to an institution (or teacher’s) needs, with the ability to build everything from quizzes, learner progress checklists, and collaborative learning projects. Out of the box privacy and security features include privacy and site policies, and customizable data collection to be in compliance with your local requirements. Moodle makes online learning possible for more than 200,000 students and educators around the world.

Build and self-host an online course with Moodle’s Marketplace App.

Deploying the Moodle Marketplace App

Moodle Configuration Options

You can configure your Moodle App by providing values for the following fields:

Admin PasswordMoodle Admin Password. Required.
Admin EmailMoodle Admin email. Required.
MySQL PasswordMySQL Root Password. Required.
The limited sudo user to be created for the LinodeThis is the limited user account to be created for the Linode. This account has sudo user privileges.
The password for the limited sudo userSet a password for the limited sudo user. The password must meet the complexity strength validation requirements for a strong password. This password can be used to perform any action on your server, similar to root, so make it long, complex, and unique.
The SSH Public Key that will be used to access the LinodeIf you wish to access SSH via Public Key (recommended) rather than by password, enter the public key here.
Disable root access over SSH?Select Yes to block the root account from logging into the server via SSH. Select No to allow the root account to login via SSH.
Your Linode API TokenYour Linode API Token is needed to create DNS records. If this is provided along with the subdomain and domain fields, the installation attempts to create DNS records via the Linode API. If you don’t have a token, but you want the installation to create DNS records, you must create one before continuing.
SubdomainThe subdomain you wish the installer to create a DNS record for during setup. The suggestion given is www. The subdomain should only be provided if you also provide a domain and API Token.
DomainThe domain name where you wish to host your Moodle site. The installer creates a DNS record for this domain during setup if you provide this field along with your API Token.

Linode Configuration Options

After providing the App-specific options, provide configurations for your Linode server:

Select an ImageUbuntu 20.04 LTS is currently the only image supported by the Moodle Marketplace App, and it is pre-selected on the Linode creation page. Required.
RegionThe region where you would like your Linode to reside. In general, it’s best to choose a location that’s closest to you. For more information on choosing a DC, review the How to Choose a Data Center guide. You can also generate MTR reports for a deeper look at the network routes between you and each of our data centers. Required.
Linode PlanYour Linode’s hardware resources. Moodle can be supported on any size Linode, but we suggest you deploy your Moodle App on a Linode plan that reflects how you plan on using it. If you decide that you need more or fewer hardware resources after you deploy your app, you can always resize your Linode to a different plan. Required.
Linode LabelThe name for your Linode, which must be unique between all of the Linodes on your account. This name is how you identify your server in the Cloud Manager Dashboard. Required.
Root PasswordThe primary administrative password for your Linode instance. This password must be provided when you log in to your Linode via SSH. The password must meet the complexity strength validation requirements for a strong password. Your root password can be used to perform any action on your server, so make it long, complex, and unique. Required.

Getting Started After Deployment

To access your Moodle instance, Open a browser and navigate to your Linode rDNS domain Replace with your Linode’s RDNS domain.

From there, you can login by clicking the box on the top right of the page. Once you see the login page, you can enter moodle as the username and the password that was entered during the creation of the Linode.

Now that you’ve accessed your dashboard, checkout the official Moodle documentation to learn how to further configure your instance.

The Moodle Marketplace App was built by Linode. For support regarding app deployment, contact Linode Support via the information listed in the sidebar. For support regarding the tool or software itself, visit Moodle Support.