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Git with a cup of tea: a painless self-hosted Git service.

Gitea is a self-hosted Git service built and maintained by a large developer community, and the easiest way to deploy your own self-hosted repository. Gitea is light enough to run on Linode’s smallest plan and powerful enough to simplify projects. The intuitive dashboard includes essential contribution management tools in addition to comprehensive admin tools to keep your repository secure.

Software Included

The Gitea Marketplace App installs the following software on your Linode:

GiteaOpen source remote Git repository software. v1.13.0
MariaDBOpen source relational database fork of MySQL.
NGINXOpen source web server. Used as a reverse proxy by this app. See our guide on Getting Started with NGINX for more information.
UFWFirewall utility. Ports 22/tcp, 80/tcp, and 443/tcp for IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled with installation of this app. Additional ports must be opened to send email from your Linode for use with this app. See our guide on How to Configure a Firewall with UFW for instructions.

Gitea Options

You can configure your Gitea App by providing values for the following fields:

MySQL root PasswordThe root password for your MySQL database. Required.
Gitea Database PasswordThe password for your Gitea database user. Required.
The limited sudo user to be created for the LinodeThe Linux username created for this Linode with sudo permissions.
The password for the limited sudo userThe password for your limited sudo user.
SSH Public KeyThe public key for SSH access with your limited sudo user.
Enable passwordless sudo access for the limited user?Select Yes to disable SSH password authentication for your limited sudo user as an additional security measure. Requires an SSH Public Key for SSH access to your Linode.
Disable root access over SSH?Select Yes to disallow root logins over SSH as an additional security measure. Requires a configuration of a limited sudo user for SSH access to your Linode.
Configure automatic security updates?Select Yes to enable automatic security updates for your Linode.
Use fail2ban to prevent automated instrusion attempts?Select Yes to enable SSH login protection with Fail2Ban as an additional security measure.
Your Linode API TokenYour Linode API Token is needed to create DNS records. If this is provided along with the Subdomain and Domain fields, the installation attempts to create DNS records via the Linode API. If you don’t have a token, but you want the installation to create DNS records, you must create a token to use in this field before continuing.
SubdomainThe subdomain you wish the installer to create a DNS record for during setup, for example www. Requires a Domain and API Token. If no subdomain is specified, a DNS record is created for the root domain.
DomainThe domain name where you wish to host your Gitea server, for example Requires an API Token. For more guidance on using domains with Linode, see our DNS Manager Guide.
SOA Email for your domainThe email address to register as your Start of Authority (SOA). This field is required for creating DNS records for a new domain.
Do you need an MX record for this domain?Select Yes to automatically configure an MX record for the purpose of sending emails from your Linode. Additional configuration with Gitea is required after installation to enable sending emails with this app.
Do you need an SPF record for this domain?Select Yes to automatically configure an SPF record for the purpose of sending emails from your Linode. Additional configuration with Gitea is required after installation to enable sending emails with this app.
Would you like to use a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for your fully qualified domain name?Select Yes to configure an SSL Certificate for HTTPS access to your Gitea remote desktop. Requires a Domain and Admin Email.
Admin Email for Let’s Encrypt certificateThe email address to register with Certbot when generating an SSL certificate for your fully qualified domain name. This field is required for HTTPS access to your Gitea remote desktop.

Getting Started After Deployment

Access your Gitea Site

After Gitea has finished installing, you can access your Gitea site using a web browser to complete setup and begin using your app.

  1. Enter your Linode’s fully qualified domain name (for example, or IPv4 address (for example, into a browser window to access the Gitea welcome page. Select the Register link to reach the initial configuration screen.

  2. Enter your Gitea Database Password in the Password field.

  3. Replace localhost with your Linode’s fully qualified domain name or IPv4 address under SSH Server Domain and Gitea Base URL fields. Specify https in the Gitea Base URL field if you configured an SSL certificate for your domain.

  1. Complete any other desired configurations, then select Install Gitea to complete initial configuration.
  2. You can now register a new administrative user and manage repositories with your Gitea App. For more configuration instructions and settings, refer to the official Gitea Documentation.

Currently, Linode does not manage software and systems updates for Marketplace Apps. It is up to the user to perform routine maintenance on software deployed in this fashion.

The Gitea Marketplace app was built by Linode. For support regarding app deployment, contact Linode Support via the information listed in the sidebar. For support regarding the tool or software itself, visit the Gitea Forum.