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BlogCloud OverviewsSummer 2016 Events

Summer 2016 Events

We’re rounding out our robust conference schedule with even more events than usual this summer! Take a look below and meet up with us.

DrupalCon New Orleans
New Orleans, LA | May 9-13Drupalconlogo
We are sponsoring a lounge at DrupalCon New Orleans. Stop by our space to relax and recharge – perks of the Big Easy. We’ll also be hosting a happy hour in our lounge on May 10th @ 3 PM. See y’all in the Crescent City.

Portland, OR | May 28-June 5pycon2016-logo_1x
We’re flying to the West Coast for PyCon this year. We love Portland and can’t wait to see everyone at the conference. Stop by booth #521 to chat with our team and get $50 credit on a new Linode account.

Southeast Linuxfest
Charlotte, NC | June 10-12
SELFlogoSELF is being held in Charlotte again for 2016. We are looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting new ones. We’ll have a table loaded with new swag in the expo hall, and we’ll be at the bottle share. Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina… in June. See you there.

Santa Clara, CA | June 20-23
We’re heading back to Santa Clara for Velocity 2016! Stop by our booth (#515) Velocitylogoin the expo hall. We’re also sponsoring the evening reception on June 22nd from 8-10 p.m. We look forward to seeing everyone in Cali.

Texas Linuxfest
Austin, TX | July 8-9TXLF_logo
This will be our first year sponsoring Texas Linuxfest. Stop by our booth to get the latest, greatest Linode swag and make sure to attend the Linode after-party (location TBD). See everyone in Austin.

Philadelphia, PA | August 20fossconlogo
We’re thrilled to again be part of FOSSCON – right in our own backyard, Philly. We’ll be hanging out all day talking cloud hosting and all things virtualized that you might be curious about. See you in our backyard this August.


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