Kelly Yu

Kelly Yu

Marketing Manager at Ericco Inertial System | MEMS | Gyroscope | Inertial sensors | MEMS gyroscope

View articles by Kelly Yu

MEMS gyroscope: Why is the sales volume of ER-MG-067 so good?

MEMS gyroscope: Why is the sales volume of…

September 18, 2024

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Navigation-grade gyroscopes take you to explore the unknown world

Navigation-grade gyroscopes take you to…

September 6, 2024

MEMS gyroscope: Why is the sales volume of ER-MG-067 so good?

MEMS gyroscope: Why is the sales volume of…

August 30, 2024


Five super cost-effective MEMS gyroscopes for you to choose

Five super cost-effective MEMS gyroscopes…

August 29, 2024

Navigation-grade gyroscopes take you to explore the unknown world

Navigation-grade gyroscopes take you to…

August 28, 2024


MEMS gyroscopes: Small components with huge potential

MEMS gyroscopes: Small components with huge…

August 27, 2024

MEMS gyroscopes enter drones - The right choice is above all else

MEMS gyroscopes enter drones - The right…

August 23, 2024

Material problems affecting the long-term stability of MEMS gyroscope accuracy and countermeasures

Material problems affecting the long-term…

July 19, 2024

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Research On Segmented Fusion Of MEMS Gyroscope Borehole North Finding System

Research On Segmented Fusion Of MEMS…

May 11, 2024

Evolution of resonant structure of high precision MEMS gyroscope

Evolution of resonant structure of high…

April 23, 2024

Zero Bias Drift Compensation Method for MEMS Gyroscope Under Dynamic Temperature Change Environment

Zero Bias Drift Compensation Method for MEMS…

April 22, 2024

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Design of fluxgate directional assembly

Design of fluxgate directional assembly

April 19, 2024


Basic Knowledge of Bias Stability of MEMS Gyroscope

Basic Knowledge of Bias Stability of MEMS…

April 18, 2024

Sensor Calibration In Fluxgate Directional Assembly

Sensor Calibration In Fluxgate Directional…

April 17, 2024

Error characteristic analysis of MEMS gyroscope

Error characteristic analysis of MEMS…

April 16, 2024

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Underground Pipeline Mapping System Based On MEMS Gyroscope

Underground Pipeline Mapping System Based On…

April 11, 2024

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The Accelerometer And Fluxgate In The Fluxgate Directional Assembly

The Accelerometer And Fluxgate In The…

April 10, 2024


Application of Fluxgate In Fluxgate Directional Assembly

Application of Fluxgate In Fluxgate…

April 9, 2024

Signal Denoising Principle And Evaluation Index of MEMS Gyroscope

Signal Denoising Principle And Evaluation…

April 7, 2024

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MEMS gyroscope processing technology

MEMS gyroscope processing technology

April 3, 2024