Coffee & Recruit 360

Coffee & Recruit 360

Technology, Information and Internet

A community of Recruiting / Talent Acquisition professionals

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Technology, Information and Internet


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    How Do Recruiters Collaborate and Share Networks in the Industry? Answers: #RecruitmentNetwork #Collaboration #IndustryConnections Hey everyone! 🌟 I've been thinking a lot about the dynamics within the recruitment industry lately. Have you ever wondered if recruiters really have those extensive networks where they connect and collaborate with each other? 🤔 It’s an interesting concept because when recruiters collaborate, it can lead to some seriously beneficial outcomes for everyone involved — candidates and companies alike. But, why does this collaboration happen? Here are a few pain points that often emerge: Limited Candidate Pool: Sometimes, recruiters face challenges finding the right candidates within their own networks. By collaborating, they can broaden their reach and tap into other recruiters' connections. Best Practices Sharing: Not every recruiter knows all the tricks of the trade, right? By networking with others, they can share tips, strategies, and success stories, which helps everyone improve their game! Market Insights: Recruiters often have valuable insights into industry trends. Sharing this information can he...

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    How do you handle awkward encounters with former employees? Answers: #HR #EmployeeTermination #AwkwardEncounters #ProfessionalRelationships Hey there, everyone! 🤗 Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve had to let someone go, only to bump into them later in everyday life? It can be a pretty tricky scenario, right? I wanted to share a little story from my own experience as an HR Manager. About a year ago, I had to part ways with an employee due to ongoing performance issues. Fast forward to now, and I’ve noticed this person in my neighborhood—I've spotted them at least five times while taking my walks. It’s definitely an interesting situation! Here are a few thoughts on why these encounters can feel awkward: Shared History: Seeing someone you’ve had to let go can revive memories of that tough day. Their Perspective: I often wonder how they feel when they see me. It could be much more uncomfortable for them! Quick Interactions: Thankfully, our exchanges have been brief—a little smile and a “hi.” But each time it happens, it seems to get a bit easier. Mixed Emotions: It’s a reminder of the complexities in professional...

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    Why Are Recruiting CRMs Falling Short Compared to Real Estate Solutions? Answers: #RecruitmentCRM #TechInRecruiting #ATSChallenges Hey everyone! 🤔 Have you noticed how outdated recruiting CRMs and ATS solutions seem to be compared to those in other industries? I recently took a look at real estate sales CRMs, and it got me thinking about our tools. For instance, let's chat about Follow Up Boss. For just $91/month, it offers: Top-notch CRM capabilities Automations for streamlined workflows A built-in dialer and texting feature Drip emails/texting to keep in touch with clients Reminders to follow up after certain periods AI-generated reports analyzing your call content and lead quality And a fantastic mobile app that consolidates leads from various sources and integrates with your website seamlessly! Now, let’s compare that with Loxo. For $119/month, it offers: Basic resume parsing A decent CRM, but nothing spectacular Email syncing and some client page enrichment A client portal (which likely won't get much use unless you’re doing RPO) A few automation features, but wait... It’s missing some essential to...

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    What Does It Take for HR to Hold a Problematic Manager Accountable? Answers: #WorkplaceAccountability #HRConcerns #ManagerIssues Have you ever found yourself in a tough spot because of a manager who just doesn't get it? 🙄 In a small local government department, we’re facing some serious challenges with our manager, and it’s causing a lot of frustration among the team. Here’s the scoop: Communication Breakdown: Our manager prefers short, face-to-face chats but often skips keeping written records. This leads to misunderstandings and a lack of accountability. Unsafe Work Assignments: There was a shocking incident where a colleague got physically hurt due to being assigned a task that ignored their medical needs. After they raised concerns, the manager denied ever hearing them. 😠 Lack of Support and Disrespect: Many team members, including neurodivergent coworkers, feel bullied and disregarded. It's disheartening that despite multiple reports to department directors, nothing seems to change long-term. So why do these issues keep surfacing without any real action from HR? 🤔 It honestly feels like our manager is shielded fro...

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    Is a Commission-Only Recruiter Model the Key to Success Now? Answers: #Recruitment #CommissionOnlyModel #Hiring #Feedback #RecruitmentStrategies Hey everyone! 😊 I’m reaching out to get your thoughts on a commission-only model for recruiters. As the owner of a recruitment business in a thriving market, we’re lucky to regularly bring in new clients and negotiate deals that typically yield between $15,000 and $20,000 in fees—even higher sometimes! 🚀 Our current team consists of six members, all with different levels of experience, including those who work on a commission-only basis, whether they’re full-desk or half-desk recruiters. In our setup, I focus on creating a supportive environment. I provide essential tools and allow our team the freedom they need to thrive, free from rigid KPIs or micromanagement. We keep things simple: if it works, great; if it doesn’t, we part ways on good terms. The results speak for themselves, thanks to having the right people who excel in a results-driven culture. It’s a win-win situation, with minimal financial risk for me. That said, I’m pondering if this commission-only model could gain even mor...

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    Should You Choose a Generalist HR Role or a Specialist Path? Answers: #HRGeneralist #SpecialistRoles #CareerGrowth #WorkLifeBalance Hey there, everyone! 🌟 I’ve been really curious about the differences between generalist/advisory roles—like an HR Generalist or Advisor—and more specialized roles that focus on specific areas such as recruitment, compensation, or health & safety. 🤔 I'd love to hear your thoughts or personal experiences on this topic! Here are some things I've been pondering: Diverse Responsibilities: Generalists often wear many hats, which can lead to a varied and dynamic work life. But this can also feel overwhelming at times. Specialization Benefits: On the flip side, specialists may experience deeper expertise and often enjoy a clearer career trajectory. However, they might miss out on the broader company perspective. Short-Term vs Long-Term: In the short term, generalists may seem more flexible and adaptable, but does this lead to burnout? 🔄 In contrast, specialists can dive deep into their field, but could they find themselves pigeonholed? 📉 Pain Points Both paths have their own unique challenges: Gene...

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    Which Resume Editing Service Delivers Top Freelance Results? Answers: #Freelance #ResumeEditing #CareerAdvice Hey everyone! 😊 I hope I’m in the right place for this! I’m an experienced recruiter and I'm thinking about diving into some freelance work focused on editing and writing resumes. But here’s the kicker: there are so many options out there, and I’m completely overwhelmed. 💻✍️ So, I want to ask: What is the **best freelance resume editing service** you've come across? If you've tried any, which sites do you recommend and why? Here are some pain points I think come into play when looking for a resume editing service: Overabundance of Choices: With so many platforms offering resume services, it can be tough to pinpoint which ones actually deliver quality results. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack! 🧵 Quality vs. Cost: Many services come at a premium but don't always guarantee a significant enhancement. Are you getting what you pay for? 💰 Personalization: Every job seeker has a unique background. A cookie-cutter approach often doesn’t meet individual needs, leaving clients dissatisfied. 🎭 Honestly, I ...

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    What Do Executives Value Most in HRBP/CPO Hiring Decisions? Answers: #HRBP #CPO #Leadership #HiringInsights Hey everyone! 👋 I'm really curious about what executive leaders are genuinely looking for when they're hiring HR Business Partners (HRBPs) or Chief People Officers (CPOs) to join their teams. We all have our theories, but wouldn't it be amazing to hear direct, honest feedback from those sitting in the big chairs like CEOs, COOs, CROs, or CPOs? Some common pain points that often come up in this hiring process include: Alignment with Business Goals: Executives want HR professionals who can closely tie HR strategies to overall business objectives. If there's a disconnect, it can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities. Adaptive Leadership: In these fast-changing times, a rigid approach can really hinder progress. Execs are looking for HRBPs and CPOs who can adapt to new challenges and pivot strategies as needed. Culture Fit: Finding someone who resonates with the company's culture is crucial. A mismatch can affect team morale and overall productivity. Data-Driven Decision Making: In a world wh...

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    How Should I Handle a Job Interview Date Proposal? Answers: #JobInterviews #ProfessionalBoundaries #WorkplaceEtiquette Hey everyone! I wanted to share this really weird experience I had recently and get your thoughts on it. So, I'm just your average guy – a bit of a generic white guy with a beard, right? But for some reason, I find myself getting a lot of attention in the gay community. Anyway, here’s where it gets interesting. I interviewed for a job, and during the interview, the manager asked me if I had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. I thought, "Whoa, that's a bit personal," but I shrugged it off. Fast forward, I got the call saying I nailed the interview and landed the job! 🎉 Amazing news, as I really needed this opportunity. Then, out of the blue, I got a text from that same hiring manager asking me if I’d like to grab dinner with him. To put it bluntly – I was like "Nope, absolutely not!" I couldn't believe the lack of professionalism. 😳 Sure, I need the job, but this made me rethink my excitement. I ended up telling him I was seeing someone. I figured that was a nicer way to decline than saying "Hell no!" right? But now I’m left feeling co...

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    Did My Zoom Blunder Put My Job at Risk? What Should I Do? Answers: #ZoomFails #WorkLife #AwkwardMoments #CatFails #HRAdvice So, I’ve got this totally cringe-worthy story from a Zoom meeting yesterday. Picture this: a company-wide meeting with about 150 people and they're notoriously long—two hours of basically nobody paying attention. I had my phone propped up while I was doing some cleaning, and as luck would have it, my cat decided to make a cameo. 🐱 His little nose hit the camera button, and before I knew it, my video was live, and I was obliviously cleaning out my guest bedroom. Here’s the kicker: my girlfriend had asked me to toss out some hand-rolled cigarettes my dad left behind because her parents are visiting. Not thinking about the camera, I walked into the room—holding a **rolled cigarette**! 😳 I then stepped outside to light it up—totally forgetting my camera was broadcasting. Realizing my mistake only after I was outside, I quickly turned off the camera. Oh, and did I mention that this meeting was recorded and is now sitting in our company cloud for an entire year? Yikes! Now, I’m left wondering just how bad this situ...

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