Paper 2023/1944

Revisiting The Multiple of Property for SKINNY The Exact Computation of the number of right pairs

Hanbeom Shin, Korea University
Insung Kim, Korea University
Sunyeop Kim, Korea University
Seonggyeom Kim, Samsung (South Korea)
Deukjo Hong, Jeonbuk National University
Jaechul Sung, University of Seoul
Seokhie Hong, Korea University

At EUROCRYPT 2017, Grassi et al. proposed the multiple-of-8 property for 5-round AES, where the number $n$ of right pairs is a multiple of 8. At ToSC 2019, Boura et al. generalized the multiple-of property for a general SPN block cipher and applied it to block cipher SKINNY. In this paper, we present that $n$ is not only a multiple but also a fixed value for SKINNY. Unlike the previous proof of generalization of multiple-of property using equivalence class, we investigate the propagation of the set to compute the exact number $n$. We experimentally verified that presented property holds. We extend this property one round more using the lack of the whitening key on the SKINNY and use this property to construct 6-round distinguisher on SKINNY-64 and SKINNY-128. The probability of success of both distinguisher is almost 1 and the total complexities are $2^{16}$ and $2^{32}$ respectively. We verified that this property only holds for SKINNY, not for AES and MIDORI, and provide the conditions under which it exists for AES-like ciphers.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. IEEE ACCESS
Multiple-of PropertyStructural-Differential PropertySKINNYAES-like cipher.
Contact author(s)
newonetiger @ korea ac kr
cmcom35 @ korea ac kr
kin3548 @ gmail com
jeffgyeom @ gmail com
deukjo hong @ jbnu ac kr
jcsung @ uos ac kr
shhong @ korea ac kr
2024-03-11: revised
2023-12-22: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Hanbeom Shin and Insung Kim and Sunyeop Kim and Seonggyeom Kim and Deukjo Hong and Jaechul Sung and Seokhie Hong},
      title = {Revisiting The Multiple of Property for {SKINNY} The Exact Computation of the number of right pairs},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2023/1944},
      year = {2023},
      doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3371712},
      url = {}
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