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EpiHosp: A web-based visualization tool enabling the exploratory analysis of complications of implantable medical devices from a nationwide hospital database
Administrative data can be used for the surveillance of the outcomes of implantable medical devices (IMDs). The objective of this work is to build a web-based tool allowing for an exploratory analysis of time-dependent events that may occur after the implementation of an IMD. This tool should enable a pharmacoepidemiologist to explore on the fly the relationship between a given IMD and a potential outcome. This tool mine the French nationwide database of inpatient stays from 2008 to 2013. The data are preprocessed in order to optimize the queries. A web tool is developed in PHP, MySQL and Javascript. The user selects one or a group of IMD from a tree, and can filter the results using years and hospital names. Four result pages describe the selected inpatient stays: (1) temporal and demographic description, (2) a description of the geographical location of the hospital, (3) a description of the geographical place of residence of the patient and (4) a table showing the rehospitalization reasons by decreasing order of frequency. Then, the user can select one readmission reason and display dynamically the probability of readmission by mean of a Kaplan-Meier curve with confidence intervals. This tool enables to dynamically monitor the occurrence of time-dependent complications of IMD.
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