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View all- Kudrjavets GRastogi A(2023)Does code review speed matter for practitioners?Empirical Software Engineering10.1007/s10664-023-10401-z29:1Online publication date: 22-Nov-2023
Code review is essentially the process of assessing code made by a developer from the perspective of others. Considering the Modern Code Review (MCR) activities within the industry, many opportunities can be evaluated with the practitioners that adopt ...
In a large, long-lived project, an effective code review process is key to ensuring the long-term quality of the code base. In this work, we study code review practices of a large, open source project, and we investigate how the developers themselves ...
Software developers review changes to a code base to prevent new bugs from being introduced. However, some parts of a change are more likely to introduce bugs than others, and thus deserve more care in reviewing. In this short paper, we discuss our ...
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