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The Impact of Self-Theories to Academic Achievement and Soft Skills in Undergraduate CS Studies: First Findings

Published: 02 July 2019 Publication History


There is strong evidence of the impact of self-theories to students' academic achievement and behavior in many domains of education, including CS. However, the research on self-theories in CSE are far from conclusive. In this research, we studied 1st year CS and CE students' self-theories and looked at associations to academic achievement in their first courses, as well as the students' conceptualisations of intelligence. Contradictory to previous research, students with a fixed view on intelligence received the best exam scores. Students' conceptualisations of intelligence were found to lean towards cognitive g-theories of intelligence. These initial findings show a number of crucially important future research directions in relation to self-theories, soft skills development, and academic achievement in CS studies.


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  1. The Impact of Self-Theories to Academic Achievement and Soft Skills in Undergraduate CS Studies: First Findings



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      ITiCSE '19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
      July 2019
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      Published: 02 July 2019


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      1. collaboration
      2. computer science education
      3. computing education
      4. educational psychology
      5. implicit theories
      6. mindset
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