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10.1145/2783446.2783569acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesbcs-hciConference Proceedingsconference-collections

MyRun: balancing design for reflection, recounting and openness in a museum-based participatory platform

Published: 13 July 2015 Publication History


Cultural organisations are increasingly looking towards using digital technologies to supplement, augment and extend visitors' experiences of exhibits and museums. In this paper, we describe the design and evaluation of MyRun, a 'participatory platform' for a museum. Our goal with MyRun was to use experience-centered design principles of reflecting, recounting and openness as a basis for engaging visitors in sharing stories about experiences related to a nationally significant cultural event. We undertook a qualitative evaluation of the system based upon observations of its use, the contributions visitors made to the platform, and interviews with 10 visitors. We discuss how visitors approached MyRun, contributed and browsed stories, and the challenges associated with the expectations visitors and curators placed on cultural exhibits. We close by identifying a series of design opportunities for future participatory platforms in museum settings.


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  1. MyRun: balancing design for reflection, recounting and openness in a museum-based participatory platform



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      cover image ACM Other conferences
      British HCI '15: Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference
      July 2015
      334 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 13 July 2015


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      Author Tags

      1. curation
      2. experience-centered design
      3. museums
      4. openness
      5. participatory platforms


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources

      • Newcastle University, Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums and Nova Events


      British HCI 2015
      British HCI 2015: 2015 British Human Computer Interaction Conference
      July 13 - 17, 2015
      Lincolnshire, Lincoln, United Kingdom

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      British HCI '15 Paper Acceptance Rate 28 of 62 submissions, 45%;
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