13 April 2018 First stereo video dataset with ground truth for remote car pose estimation using satellite markers
Gustavo Gil, Giovanni Savino, Marco Pierini
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Leading causes of PTW (Powered Two-Wheeler) crashes and near misses in urban areas are on the part of a failure or delayed prediction of the changing trajectories of other vehicles. Regrettably, misperception from both car drivers and motorcycle riders results in fatal or serious consequences for riders. Intelligent vehicles could provide early warning about possible collisions, helping to avoid the crash. There is evidence that stereo cameras can be used for estimating the heading angle of other vehicles, which is key to anticipate their imminent location, but there is limited heading ground truth data available in the public domain. Consequently, we employed a marker-based technique for creating ground truth of car pose and create a dataset∗ for computer vision benchmarking purposes. This dataset of a moving vehicle collected from a static mounted stereo camera is a simplification of a complex and dynamic reality, which serves as a test bed for car pose estimation algorithms. The dataset contains the accurate pose of the moving obstacle, and realistic imagery including texture-less and non-lambertian surfaces (e.g. reflectance and transparency).
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gustavo Gil, Giovanni Savino, and Marco Pierini "First stereo video dataset with ground truth for remote car pose estimation using satellite markers", Proc. SPIE 10696, Tenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017), 106961W (13 April 2018);
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Stereoscopic cameras


Detection and tracking algorithms


Video processing

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