Understanding In-Flight Thruster Performance Assessment

6/1/20244 min read

Satellites rely on thrusters to maneuver in space, but how do we know they're working perfectly in the vast unknown of space?

This blog post dives into the intriguing world of satellite thruster calibration, explaining why it's crucial, what data is used, and the validation techniques that ensure spaceborne assets stay on course.

What are Satellite Thrusters?

Satellite thrusters are propulsion systems that enable a satellite to maneuver in space. They are essential for tasks such as orbit transfers and insertion, station-keeping, and for some attitude control.

Here are the primary types of satellite thrusters, each with distinct characteristics:

blue and white striped round textile
blue and white striped round textile
an abstract photograph of a curved wall
an abstract photograph of a curved wall
low-angle photography of blue glass walled building during daytime
low-angle photography of blue glass walled building during daytime

Utilize chemical reactions to produce thrust, providing high levels of power for quick orbital changes and precise maneuvering


Use electric fields to accelerate ions or plasma resulting in lower thrust but exceptional fuel economy; efficient and offer long operational lifetimes; ideal for gradual but continuous thrust. Examples:

1. Ion Thrusters: Generate thrust by ionizing and accelerating gas particles using electric fields

  1. Hall Effect Thrusters: Employ a magnetic field to ionize and accelerate propellant, balancing between efficiency and thrust power

Cold Gas

Expel stored inert gas through a nozzle, delivering simple and reliable low-thrust control, typically used for attitude control and small adjustments.

blue and white striped round textile
blue and white striped round textile

A hybrid approach; use electricity to heat propellant and then expelling it to produce thrust, providing moderate efficiency and versatility in propellant choice for attitude and orbit control.
Examples are Resistojet and Arcjet

low-angle photography of blue glass walled building during daytime
low-angle photography of blue glass walled building during daytime

Use a single chemical propellant to produce thrust, offering simplicity and reliability for small to medium-sized satellites

an abstract photograph of a curved wall
an abstract photograph of a curved wall

Combine two chemical propellants to generate high thrust, suitable for large satellites and demanding maneuvers requiring substantial power.

What does performance mean in the context of thrusters?

Performance refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of a thruster in achieving its intended objectives. It encompasses various parameters, including

  1. Thrust (the force produced by the thruster)

  2. Specific impulse (a measure of propulsion efficiency), and

  3. Total impulse (the cumulative thrust produced over time)

What metrics are used to measure thruster performance?
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio indicates how much thrust a thruster can produce relative to its weight.

  • Specific impulse, often measured in seconds, representing how efficiently a thruster uses its propellant.

  • Total impulse provides insight into the overall capability of the thruster over the duration of its operation.

Exploring the Benefits of In-Space Thruster Performance Assessment

In 2015, a satellite mission faced an unexpected challenge. The satellite, tasked with delivering crucial data on climate patterns, experienced a significant deviation from its intended orbit.

The root cause? An underperforming thruster. This incident underscores the critical role that thruster performance assessment plays in the success of satellite missions.

A satellite's thruster performance directly influences mission success, operational costs, and the satellite's overall lifespan.

Why is assessment so important?

It is crucial for ensuring that thrusters operate correctly, enabling precise orbital adjustments, maintaining station-keeping, and achieving mission objectives effectively.

How often is it done?

Assessments are performed after every maneuver execution to ensure proper performance and identify any immediate anomalies. Thruster performance can vary between short and long thrusts, and it may degrade over time, making regular evaluations essential for maintaining accuracy and reliability.

What methods are used?

  • Telemetry Data Analysis: Real-time data from the thruster, including thrust level, propellant flow rate, and chamber pressure, is monitored and analyzed for deviations.

  • Orbit Determination: By tracking the satellite's trajectory, we can infer thruster performance by comparing its actual movement with planned maneuvers.

  • Precise Orbit Determination: Utilizing GNSS carrier phase measurements for precision calibration offers mm-level accuracy, making it highly effective in pinpointing maneuver start times and duration offsets. It is crucial to have accurate attitude models.

What are the potential consequences of poorly calibrated thrusters?

Additional fuel consumption may be needed to correct the satellite's trajectory if a planned maneuver does not accurately reflect the thruster's actual performance, leading to premature resource depletion.

This can shorten the mission lifetime and increase the need for costly replacements.

How does thruster performance assessment extend the lifespan of satellites?

By optimizing thruster operations and fuel usage, satellites can perform necessary maneuvers more efficiently, conserving fuel and extending their operational lifespan.

How do engineers interpret and utilize the data collected?

Insights gained from thruster performance data analysis guide adjustments and improvements, ensuring optimal performance throughout the mission.

Discrepancies between expected and actual performance are scrutinized to identify underlying issues. Post-mission analysis further refines future thruster designs and enhances reliability.

Major Takeaway

Thruster performance assessment is not merely a technical requirement but a fundamental aspect of mission planning and execution. By rigorously evaluating thruster efficiency, we can safeguard the satellite's mission objectives, optimize costs, and enhance the overall longevity and success of the mission.

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