Evolution of Semiconductor Industry In India & Talent Supply Chain for 2040
Dear Respondent, 


We are conducting a survey to gain insights into the talent and job requirements of the semiconductor industry in India. As a professional in this field, your valuable input will help us understand the evolving landscape and the skills needed to meet future industry demands.

This survey aims to identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities in workforce development within the semiconductor sector, particularly in India. Your responses will contribute to shaping strategies for talent acquisition, training, and development to support the growth and competitiveness of the industry.

We appreciate your time and participation in this survey. Please be assured that all information and responses will be kept confidential and will be used solely for research purposes.

Thank you for your valuable contribution.

Shivansh Awasthi
IndiHire Pvt. Ltd
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Name *
Email address (Optional)
Organization (Please specify your mode of employment, if any other) *
Experience in Semiconductor Industry *
What is your current role in relation to the semiconductor industry ? *
Which sector of the semiconductor industry have you been engaged with the most, in your career ? *
1. How do you feel and what is your general opinion about the semiconductor talent pool in India ? *
2. In your experience, how proficient are current Indian semiconductor professionals in the following areas ? *
Rate each from 1 (Not proficient) to 5 (Highly proficient)
Semiconductor Design
Fabrication Technology
Quality assurance and testing
Research and Development
Supply Chain Management
3. Which skills do you believe will be essential for semiconductor professionals in India by 2040 ? *
Microelectronics engineering
Advanced Material Science
AI and Machine Learning
Quantum Computing
5G/6G technology
4. Rate the educational readiness of the talent pool available in India  *
Highly effective
Not effective
5. What are the biggest challenges in attracting and retaining top talent in the Indian Semiconductor Industry ? *
Competitive Salaries and Benefits
Career development opportunities
Work - Life Balance
Research and Development Infrastructure
Public perception of the industry
6. In your experience, which sectors of the semiconductor industry face the most significant talent gaps or scarcity of talent pool ? *
Advanced semiconductor design
Fabrication and process engineering
Testing and quality control
Supply chain and logistics
Research and innovation
Project management
7. With regards to building a strategic talent pipeline, what are some reskilling and upskilling strategies that can be utilized to accommodate and meet the talent requirements of the industry in the future? *
Developing specialized courses in semiconductor technology and VLSI design
Offering internships and apprenticeships programs in collaboration with semiconductor companies
Conducting joint research projects and industry-academia partnerships
Training professionals on emerging technologies such as AI and machine learning
Encouraging a culture of continuous learning with regular skill updates and certifications
Rotation of IT talent across different sectors on requirement basis
8. What specific measures should academic institutions take to better prepare students for the semiconductor industry ? (Select up to 3) *
Update and modernize curriculum
Enhance industry-academia partnerships
Increase practical and hands-on training
Offer internships and co-op programs
Invest in state-of-the-art research facilities
9. Comment briefly on the critical points to build a strategically robust talent pipeline to meet the talent requirements of the industry in 2040 *
10. In your opinion, what is the market value that the Indian semiconductor industry can most probably achieve by 2040 ? *
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