Thank you in advance for contributing items to CSAE's Silent Auction at the Annual Conference, June 5-7, 2024 at the Hilton Hotel in Fort Collins.

A Few Details:
  • Donation items will need a value, as the committee will begin bids on your item at 1/3 of the value to begin.
  • If you bundle items together, a higher value is appreciated, so know what items you want together, as you can only fill out the form once.
  • Please fill out this form to ensure the committee has all the information needed, and, we can promote your wonderful donation in advance!
  • We will prepare bid sheets before the Annual Conference, so be sure to fill out the form with details before you arrive. Then bring your item with you, or let us know where to pick it up or any special instructions we need to get your item.
  • Expirations. Please have a year window of availability if donating items that expire, such as hotel room nights.
  • Please fill out the details below, and Richelle Kemper, Chair of the 2024 Silent Auction Committee or someone from the committee or staff will be in contact.

Question Title

* 1. General Information

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* 2. What is the item or items you want to donate? Please describe in as much detail as possible.

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* 3. What is the estimated value of each of the items you listed?

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* 4. How will you want us to receive your items? If you will be at the Annual Conference or want us to pick them up prior to the Annual Conference, please indicate here. If you can provide your item electronically (such as a hotel stay, restaurant gift certificate, etc.), please send to Richelle at [email protected].

Question Title

* 5. Is there anything else you need to know or want us to know?