Construction leads - July 26th


Applicant: The Rennie Mackintosh Group

Planning Authority: Edinburgh

Details: Internal and external alterations

Location: 328 Argyle Street Glasgow

Agent: Jewitt & Wilkie Architects 38 New City Road Glasgow

Reference: 23/01717/LBA

Application link


Applicant: ETZ Ltd

Planning Authority: Aberdeen

Details: Proposed business/industrial development (class 4/5/6); road infrastructure; active travel connections; landscaping and environmental works including drainage and other infrastructure |

Location: Land At Coast Road St Fittick’s Park/ Gregness/Doonies Farm Aberdeen

Agent: Ironside Farrar 111 McDonald Road Edinburgh

Reference: 230890/ESC

Application Link



Contract Authority: National Library of Scotland

Details: The scope of construction works will include the replacement of the smoke extract and fire damper systems.

Remove the existing smoke extract system.

Form new smoke extract shafts.

Install a new smoke extract system

Associated Air Handling Unit upgrades and smoke damper replacement,

Replacement of all ventilation installation fire dampers,

Temporary collection protection works and dust monitoring.

Location: Edinburgh

Contact: [email protected] 

Publication Date: 25/07/2023


Contract Authority: Scottish Borders Housing Association

Details: Re-roofing works to 1-33 Croft Street, Galashiels Stripping of existing roof coverings and replacement with new, together with replacement insulation, rooflights and roof deck

Location: Galashiels


Publication Date: 25/07/2023

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