You are invited to attend our CPD accredited webinar where one of our experts will provide valuable insight into the benefits and limitations in a cell site analysis investigation.

Joanne Worrow has vast experience as Senior Cell Site Analyst and Digital Investigator and has worked on hundreds of criminal investigations. 

In this webinar our expert will be discussing: 

  • Cell Site location, Call Data Records (CDR) analysis and Radio Frequency (RF) surveys to answer 'What is Cell Site Analysis?'
  • Real-life cases to demonstrate the balanced approach that should be taken with cell site analysis and the considerations that should be given to each investigation.
  • The opportunities for evidence and trends in the future of cell site analysis.

You will leave with a good understanding of the methods used, and our expert will explain how we can accurately assess the significance of the findings in the context of the case and help you to assist your clients.

Upon completion of this webinar, please contact us at [email protected] for your CPD certificate. 

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