Dashboard | Organizational Waste Management

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Optimize your sustainability journey with instant waste data, personalized reports, and carbon avoidance tracking—all easily accessible through a customizable dashboard tailored to your needs.

Efficient and sustainable waste disposal

Our solution empowers organizations to collect and analyze waste disposal data in real-time, providing them with the accurate information required to optimize waste strategies and minimize their environmental impact.

Pie chart icon

View detailed information

Analyze disposal data

Bar graph Data Company 1 logo

Track waste volumes

Star icon

Identify improvements

Pencil and rular icon

Implement changes

Timer icon

Monitor in real-time

01/ Scan

Scan the barcodes of any waste before disposing. Our technology can recognize over 95% of all waste items.

02/ Dispose

Dispose of your waste responsibly by recycling whenever feasible.

03/ Track

Monitor your scans in real-time and access in-depth data on material composition, carbon emissions, and additional metrics.

04/ Report

Produce comprehensive reports to demonstrate your dedication to sustainability, and share them with both internal and external stakeholders.

Dashboard in numbers

We've helped organizations track their waste and understand the data behind their carbon footprint.

Total Scans
Total Brands
Total C02 avoidance (All time)
metric tons
Total C02 footprint (All time)
metric tons
Total plastic
Total metal
Total paper
Total glass

WasteX Engine

The technology powering the Dashboard

The WasteX Engine uses AI technology to translate waste scans into the meaningful data displayed in the GreenScanr Dashboard. Over 95% of barcoded goods can be processed for your organization to view, analyze and report on.

Learn more

Scan, Recycle, Repeat

Become a sustainability warrior with GreenScanr

Effortlessly scan waste at the point of disposal to seamlessly track vital information, including material composition, weight, and carbon emissions. Utilize a mobile device for barcode scanning, further empowered by advanced AI technology for enhanced accuracy.

Learn more

Book a demo

Learn how we can help you transform the way your organization collects, analyzes, reports and approaches waste disposal.


Total Scans: ......

Total CO2 Footprint: .......

Total CO2 Avoidance: ........

Total Plastic: ........

Total Metal: ........

Total Paper: ...........

Total Glass: ...........

Total Scans: ......

Total CO2 Footprint: .......

Total CO2 Avoidance: ........

Total Plastic: ........

Total Metal: ........

Total Paper: ...........

Total Glass: ...........

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