Our Ally Pack FAQ

Why did CYA create an Ally Pack?

Hate speech towards disabled people is not only the least reported it is also underreported. This is due to the disabled community feeling they are not always able to stand up for themselves. Some of us feel our voices are not respected.

Also we may not have strong networks or connections that can offer support when issues arise online. We created this Ally Pack to raise awareness of what online disability hate and ableism is and how you can combat it

Why do CYA need allies?

We believe allies can support the disabled community to be empowered. We recognise that at times the voices of the non-disabled are listened to more and we want to tap into this power and potential. The online disabled community is growing but we need more people to stand in solidarity with us

What’s in the Ally Pack?

Our Ally Pack will give you tools and tips so that you can play an active role in reporting online hate speech towards disabled people. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the contents page below

How can I get a copy of the Ally Pack? Is it Free?

You can sign up as an organisation or individual. Clicking on the “Sign Up” button below will take you to a short form with a few questions so we can get to know who our allies are. There is also an option to sign up to our carefully curated monthly newsletter

And yes it is free - a gift from us to you!